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Help/Support Hooking Enums on iOS
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
Just going through my old topics to help people enums are just ints! -
Help/Support Branch to my own function (hooking??)
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
update after some think i think i figured out why it's giving me that weird hex for backward branch jumps such as bl #0xffffffffffde6348 by using the Two's Complement to represent a negative hex value. does the compiler do this itself i don't know hahaha but i will try once i figure out this new problem. Which is trying use the new kitty memory with the asm So @Rook or maybe @Ted2 im using ted2 old mod menu template im ios 14.4 using dopamine in my makefile i added $(TWEAK_NAME)_OBJ_FILES = $(KITTYMEMORY_PATH)/Deps/Keystone/libs-ios/$(THEOS_CURRENT_ARCH)/libkeystone.a ( for this i changed $(Tweak name) to my name so tweakname_OBJ_FILES so i believe i did the right thing and KITTYMEMORY_PATH = path/to/KittyMemory for this i simply did KITTYMEMORY_PATH = KittyMemory i didnt add -DkNO_KEYSTONE Since i wanted to use the arm function. Anyways i didnt even use the asm function i just wanted to compile my current mod with the new kittymemory and the result were all some stuff recompiled but at the tweak linking procress i got some warnings 1 of many examples ld: warning: object file (KittyMemory/Deps/KeyStone/libs-ios/arm64/libkeystone.a(X86MCTargetDesc.cpp.o)) was built for newer ios version (14.0) than being linked (9.0) So it was spamming me this for different cpp.o's in libkeystone.a another specific ld warning was this ld: warning: Could not find or use auto - linked framework 'UniformTypeIdentifiers' undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "___chkstk_darwin", referenced from: getMemoryBufferForStream(int, llvm_ks::Twine const&) in libkeystone.a(MemoryBuffer.cpp.o) llvm_ks::APFloat::roundSignificandWithExponent(unsigned long long const*, unsigned int, int, llvm_ks::APFloat::roundingmode) in libkeystone.a(APFloat.cpp.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang-16: error: linker command failed with exit code 1(use -v to see invocation) Some INFO like i said using a old reliable ted2 mode menu temp, Sdk 12.4, and i seen on the github it said c++11 or higher in my makefile myname_CCFLAGS its has -std=c++11 i dont know if that its. So I'm asking for help on this or a provided mod menu template with this new kitty memory please! I feel like I'm so close!! -
Help/Support Branch to my own function (hooking??)
tryingtolearnsum32 posted a topic in Help & Support
As seen in the title i want to know if this even possible. Essentially i only to edit a branch call to go to my own function sort of like a hook but only for this one time as the function gets called in a different place but i only want to edit it in this specific instance. for example. UnityEngine.Random offset blah blah public static Vector2 get_insideUnitCircle() This function in this game gets called in multiple areas in different functions and returns a random vector2 in a circle of radius of 1. i guess you can say i would like to hook it? only for this specific case and let the regular function do it thing in the other methods its use in. Might be tedious in alot of cases having to rehook branch after a game update but it wouldnt bother me at all :) Now here what i was thinking. using the get realoffset function for where the branch occurs let's say the var name is Blah so ( uint64_t Blah = GRL(0xWhatever)) . Now for the first problem which i think i figured out which is two ways i didn't try yet first setting a void* var to my function then casting it as let the var for both ideas is Target so first way (void *var = myfunction next uint64_t Target = cast the var). Now for the second way which kind of using the same thing but using kitty scanner findsymbol with the location of my dylib and name of my function. Now after getting both locations doing a simple calculation of target - Blah and setting the value to a new var named NewBranchLoc. Now I'm stuck i know this newer version of kittymemory with asm and formater just for it. but what if i get a negative hex value for my NewBranchLoc because in arm converter it doesnt give a hexcode back so im overthinking that the asm wont work. When i tried find a example of a negative NewBranchLoc in ida such as 0x1523A54 BL sub_1309D9C (bl #0xffffffffffde6348 ) it gives out some crazy looking hex in this case 0xffffffffffde6348 so it using some time of bitwise operation im guessing... Anyways sorry for the blabbering basically i just want to ask if what im trying to do is even possible? if so am in the right direction and just overthinking it? if not is there a alternative other than just hooking the value (i know in some cases you could unlink?(i think is the term ...basically doing the effect you want with some type of check when hooking but for this case that wouldnt really work.) if are they any source to them? If not is there a to hook in the middle of function i saw something called a midhook function for pc somewhere else but some of the stuff there needed is only for pc i think. Anyways thank you for your time this just has been bugging me and im a noob coder well noob+ hahaha. -
Help/Support Theos for Non-Jailbroken Devices?
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
thank you!! -
unfortunately i lost my jailbreak and i know for sure i cant make any mods that use mshook or hook but i remember hearing that you can still make simple patches like what flex 3 does with logos if this is true how would i can do this i know how to do simple logos hooks and for game i want to mod agario can be modded with flex3 and i just want to make a simple tweak i used in the pass if anyone can help would be greatly appreciated.
Help/Support Hooking in UnityFramework Causing Crash
tryingtolearnsum32 posted a topic in Help & Support
Ok so I know you can patch stuff in Unity Framework with Offset patching but im trying to do hooking i Tried MShook which crashes as soon as i tap the icon and when i read crash log it says Kern Invaild address... Then i tried with the HOOK method and what happen is game loaded then crash shortly after im guess as soon as the mod menu popped up and same crash log as with the MsHook method. So my question is to anyone is it possible to hook Unity Framework Some Questions i dont need did you set the menu to Unityframework yes i did and im using teds mod menu template -
how would i hook this [Address(RVA = "0x20826F8", Offset = "0x20826F8", VA = "0x1020826F8")] [Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x163770", Offset = "0x163770")] public void set_aiState(AIState value) { } The AIState is the enum
Help/Support patching in Unity Framework
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
also this isnt the same from my phone i just changed the offset as the samething from my phone but other than that same exact stuff -
Help/Support patching in Unity Framework
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
#import "Macros.h" /*********************************************************** INSIDE THE FUNCTION BELOW YOU'LL HAVE TO ADD YOUR SWITCHES! ***********************************************************/ void setup() { //patching offsets directly, without switch patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1002DB3C8"), ENCRYPTHEX("0xC0035FD6")); patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x10020D2D4"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x00008052C0035FD6")); // You can write as many bytes as you want to an offset patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x10020D3A8"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x00F0271E0008201EC0035FD6")); // or patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x10020D3A8"), ENCRYPTHEX("00F0271E0008201EC0035FD6")); // spaces are fine too patchOffset(ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x10020D3A8"), ENCRYPTHEX("00 F0 27 1E 00 08 20 1E C0 03 5F D6")); // Empty switch - usefull with hooking [switches addSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("Masskill") description:NSSENCRYPT("Teleport all enemies to you without them knowing") ]; // Offset Switch with one patch [switches addOffsetSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("unlock hero") description:NSSENCRYPT("You can't die") offsets: { ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1639e44") } bytes: { ENCRYPTHEX("0x20008052c0035fd6") } ]; // Offset switch with multiple patches [switches addOffsetSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("One Hit Kill") description:NSSENCRYPT("Enemy will die instantly") offsets: { ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1001BB2C0"), ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1002CB3B0"), ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1002CB3B8") } bytes: { ENCRYPTHEX("0x00E0BF12C0035FD6"), ENCRYPTHEX("0xC0035FD6"), ENCRYPTHEX("0x00F0271E0008201EC0035FD6") } ]; // Textfield Switch - used in hooking [switches addTextfieldSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("Custom Gold") description:NSSENCRYPT("Here you can enter your own gold amount") inputBorderColor:UIColorFromHex(0xBD0000) ]; // Slider Switch - used in hooking [switches addSliderSwitch:NSSENCRYPT("Custom Move Speed") description:NSSENCRYPT("Set your custom move speed") minimumValue:0 maximumValue:10 sliderColor:UIColorFromHex(0xBD0000) ]; } /********************************************************************************************************** You can customize the menu here For colors, you can use hex color codes or UIColor itself - For the hex color #BD0000 you'd use: UIColorFromHex(0xBD0000) - For UIColor you can visit this site: https://www.uicolor.xyz/#/rgb-to-ui NOTE: remove the ";" when you copy your UIColor from there! Site to find your perfect font for the menu: http://iosfonts.com/ --> view on mac or ios device See comment next to maxVisibleSwitches!!!! menuIcon & menuButton is base64 data, upload a image to: https://www.browserling.com/tools/image-to-base64 \ then replace that string with mine. ************************************************************************************************************/ void setupMenu() { // If a game uses a framework as base executable, you can enter the name here. // For example: UnityFramework, in that case you have to replace NULL with "UnityFramework" (note the quotes) timer(3) // did this as before changing the offset it wouldnt load the mod menu even if i didnt do any edit { [menu setFrameworkName:"UnityFramework"]; }); menu = [[Menu alloc] initWithTitle:NSSENCRYPT("@@APPNAME@@ - Mod Menu") titleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] titleFont:NSSENCRYPT("Copperplate-Bold") credits:NSSENCRYPT("This Mod Menu has been made by @@USER@@, do not share this without proper credits and my permission. \n\nEnjoy!") headerColor:UIColorFromHex(0xBD0000) switchOffColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor] switchOnColor:UIColorFromHex(0x00ADF2) switchTitleFont:NSSENCRYPT("Copperplate-Bold") switchTitleColor:[UIColor whiteColor] infoButtonColor:UIColorFromHex(0xBD0000) maxVisibleSwitches:4 // Less than max -> blank space, more than max -> you can scroll! menuWidth:250 menuIcon:@"took out very long" menuButton:@"samething" /******************************************************************** Once menu has been initialized, it will run the setup functions. All of your switches should be entered in the setup() function! *********************************************************************/ setup(); } // If the menu button doesn't show up; Change the timer to a bigger amount. static void didFinishLaunching(CFNotificationCenterRef center, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef info) { timer(5) { SCLAlertView *alert = [[SCLAlertView alloc] initWithNewWindow]; // Website link, remove it if you don't need it. [alert addButton: NSSENCRYPT("Visit Me!") actionBlock: ^(void) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString: NSSENCRYPT("@@SITE@@")]]; timer(2) { setupMenu(); }); }]; [alert addButton: NSSENCRYPT("Thankyou, understood.") actionBlock: ^(void) { timer(2) { setupMenu(); }); }]; alert.shouldDismissOnTapOutside = NO; alert.customViewColor = [UIColor purpleColor]; alert.showAnimationType = SCLAlertViewShowAnimationSlideInFromCenter; [alert showSuccess: nil subTitle:NSSENCRYPT("@@APPNAME@@ - Mod Menu \n\nThis Mod Menu has been made by @@USER@@, do not share this without proper credits and my permission. \n\nEnjoy!") closeButtonTitle:nil duration:99999999.0f]; }); } %ctor { CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetLocalCenter(), NULL, &didFinishLaunching, (CFStringRef)UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); } -
Help/Support patching in Unity Framework
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
teds -
Help/Support patching in Unity Framework
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
on launch -
Help/Support patching in Unity Framework
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
cant paste it i did it on ios heres what i did offsets: { ENCRYPTOFFSET("0x1639E44") } bytes: { ENCRYPTHEX("0x20008052C0035FD6") } ]; when i change the offset to sum like this 0x101639E44 the mod menu loads but of course it doesnt do the patch since not the correct offset -
After being able to get the mod menu to load to the game i want "btd6" when i try to make a simple patch it crashes but when i use the default tweak.xm it works perfectly fine and im editing a simple bool thats possible since i seen and used a mod menu for the current version so to sum it up can anyone who modded a unity framework game give me a simple example of how they make a simple patch would be greatly appreciated (also i already set the mod meny to unityframework as it works perfectly fine with the default tweak.xm)
Help/Support trying to make a mod menu
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
Help/Support trying to make a mod menu
tryingtolearnsum32 replied to tryingtolearnsum32's topic in Help & Support
wait i did it on my iphone and it worked i made the project what do i do now?