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Community Answers

  1. Please hack seven knights v 3.0.10

    thank !!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tuanngo1234


      pls hack eternium v1.2.74


    3. K_K


      He here no more 

    4. sarkouda



      U can update you mod from 


      to version 2.8?

      You can do it in this version? (on no-jailbreak device .ipa file instead .deb?

    5. Muhammad Adnan

      Muhammad Adnan


      please i need its file which has been deleted by yourself. its your hack. I would be highly thankful as i am looking for it for many days.

  2. 994820dc635095d73df5a6a251289bc5

    1. samaythemaster


      Hey could you update the walking dead link it says the file was deleted


    2. andreybmwm3


      Hi man.  Same here. The link is not working. I would really like to see the hack in action. I've been playing this game for over a year and I do hope there is working hack for it. If it does work on my iphone I'll make a donation and I DO keep my promise. Please help me with these thing. :) Thanks

    3. redstormer


      tales of ray link is removed..

  3. Hi Sir, I want to install the hack on my non jailbreak divaice, and I want to know if is work on iPhone 4s version 9.3.1 or 9.3.5?Thank you 

  4. I already relase the no cd hack
  5. i Just used the shmoo methode to hide the offset.. idk if its safe but i trust shmoo
  6. Ahhh arthur mod its so cool.. only issue is without cp the offset its not encripted
  7. cool.. i want this
  8. i think this is useful.. because some ppl is blind ...
  9. @DiDA can i pin Recommended Replies ?
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