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Posts posted by LOST.

  1. So my phone is weird, Whenever i use electra to jailbreak, after 2/3 it literally takes me back to the homescreen (it doesnt respring or something like that) and when i open it again it says im jailbroken. Cydia will not install anything, and if i try it always says DPKG_LOCKED.

    I've been looking for a way to fix this for at least more than 2 hours and nothing worked. My cydia has nothing installed *NOTHING*. Whenever i go installing something it says DPKG_LOCKED. I tried fixing this with FilzaEscaped, Using CyberDuck or putty or all that other geek sh!t. I am truly getting tired of cydia issues, I've been getting some left and right the past few months, and if there is someone reading this, please help me I appreciate it. Otherwise, if this doesnt help ill just restore and update, not gonna waste anymore time on this man ?

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