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  1. Hey Rook, the issue seems to be with the Decrypted IPA file of the game. When I just install the IPA file without the tweak injection, I still get the (Security violation) error. So the iGameGod tweak seems to be fine, but the game does not allow a decrypted IPA to be used. Anyway to solve this?
  2. Hey Rook, Ah, well dang. I’ll be looking forward for an update in future. Be waiting patiently. 👍🏽
  3. Hey Rook, Yes I have tried it. Still same issue.
  4. Hello Friends, I'm having a problem with GolfStar Tweak Error as shown below. ) This is happening on a Non - Jailbroken iPad. I have installed this tweak using Sideloadly. I have reinstalled this tweak 3 times now, however I see same error. I have found out why this error happens. (Potentially, Don't know about Non-Jailbroken devices) On my Jailbroken iPad when I have LocalIAP store tweak installed, I see the same (Security Violation) error. When I remove that tweak the error goes away. So I'm presuming it's the same with the .deb file that I have to inject while installing the game .IPA. I don't know of the contents / tweaks in the (iGameGod .deb) file, however is there any way to somehow disable the LocalIAP store type of feature from it? This error is happening because of it, as I'm sure (99%). Any help solving this issue would be highly appriciated. Thank you in Advance, V
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