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Posts posted by apiontk

  1. On 7/9/2017 at 10:10 AM, jessminmin said:


    New here and just join as a VIP user. Can I ask why I cannot see the download link in the hidden content even though I am a VIP advance user.

    Am I missing something ??

    Thanks in advance for the help in this.

    Oops, Got it sorted out lol

    Not sure what happens but switching pages and back to page 1 seems to make the .ipa link to appear.

    Glad to be here with everyone and great work is done here.

    You have to make a post something in the thread before the link shows up.  That's why it showed up for you after the post you made.  It will be that way for every thread you are interested in downloading from. Hope this helps.

    On 7/13/2017 at 8:45 PM, DiDA said:

    v2.32 Updated!

    Thank you sir @DiDA

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