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    iPhone 15 Pro Max
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    Viet Nam

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  1. gonna try, thanks
  2. Looks like you run the app without argument, try to run "app.exe filename" in console (Command Prompt not Powershell) or just drag file to the exe.
  3. Got this from reversing iOS binary, there's no Android version at that time.
  4. ​ you can get this by looking for calls to Rfc2898DeriveBytes, you can see this initVector in binary, passphare generated by a function named GeneratePassphrase, it get first 8 bytes from base64 encoded string "PlayerData". It's json data, just use a json editor for easy edit
  5. Gonna dump unity IL code from memory to get a full Assembly-CSharp.dll It embedded in main binary, a nice way to prevent .net decompiler user
  6. A little tool to decrypt Fallout Shelter's .sav (saved game). Usage: FOSDecrypt.exe VaultFile.sav Edit your VaultFile.sav using any json editor and run decrypt again to encrypt it then copy to your idevice and taste. If you beautify your json to edit, remember to minify (compress) before encrypt it back. Run screen shot Edited game Edit: included source code. Download [Hidden Content]
  7. ja ha thanks for edit. my first post here rolf
  8. My modified saved game: Vault name 999 Most resource is 999 10 dwellers have 9 in all stats, armor, weapon A super duper dweller that have my name with 99 all stats No rock Unlock all build Clear all tutor's build for a fresh game Download: [Hidden Content]
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