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  1. Apply same method used here to search plant production value and modify it.
  2. Hi there guys, We're here with another GG tut, this game ad is really spammed all around in every in-game ad, so i gave it a try. It's way too easy to mod this stupid game. What will be needed: Android / Android Simulator GameGuardian Brrain (not rly much) I keep repeating that iOS users can hack through emulator and save game through cloud into their iDevices. Let's see: [Hidden Content]
  3. As you can spot those are similar but different guides. It's obvious that we're looking for the same XOR value, cause that's the "0" (just to understand) and it works in many games. However many simulator come with root but not everyone has the right "type" of rooted android, i suggest to use bluestacks and root it, players like NOX, or Andy or Droid4x can result bugged sometimes in their root toggle buttons, BS is the most stable simulator atm. Back to the tut, you've to think that if it works for me and others, the problem is in your guide-following more than in the result itself.
  4. Please link me the video because i did not find something similar to my tut. There is a trick on gg site but it's not what i'm talking about in this tut. However every game has its own processes, neither the offset nor the address have to be equal to the ones shown in the video, it should not create you any problem, it's important the process not variables. You have to root your emulator, have you rooted it?
  5. Zahirsher's one is for x64 ARM Devices. This can help those who have not enough newer devices, as i could read in that topic from users asking x32 patchers, or are using android instead of ios, and for those who like to learn something about mem usage (cause that's what GG is involved in), instead of just download and install. But ty anyways
  6. Just look for your actual xp, from the profile menu, then look for it, it both can return 2 results or more, if it returns more, just gain one more xp and do that again, instead of decrease (as it is for the tut above) your value you will obviously have to increase it, that's it.
  7. Hey everyone, Here's a quick tut to purchase free from the ingameshop, we won't buy diamonds but we won't spend them. As usual iOS user can hack through simulator and load savegame into their iDevices using cloud. Thorugh this tut you will be able to buy: free upgrades, free coins, free candies, free exp, free tools Needed: Android - Android Simulator GameGuardian Bit of Brain [Hidden Content]
  8. Of course you can, the process is the same! Yes it does
  9. They are used to lag man, i don't want to join your business, but it depended on internet speed for me, till i was with 20 Megabit it lagged now with 90 /100 Mbit it doesn't lag anymore. However i've some nice playlists that always worked, what would you like to have my friend?
  10. I donated in order to have it it worthed the price!! However it's now working again perfectly :DD Thank you again!!
  11. Smart IPTV, but man i got it, here in Italy they removed it to avoid piracy, ahah so weird... looks like Italy is full of hackers Anyway maybe this fight to IPTV will be worldwide so that's how i solved it, if it can be helpful. I solved changing geolocalization. Here's how to do that for the others that may issue my same boring problem: Disabled both FW automatical upgrade and smarthub too Then i went to system settings and there at the step 3, when it asks you to approve the privacy agreement Clicked in order: MUTE – RETURN – VOL+ – CH+ – MUTE It prompted out a list of countries from which i choosed Croatia. New agreement will be in Croatian, but the tv will keep your language settings. Completed the process, i pulled out the soak for 10 seconds and reinserted it. I went to the shop and it was croatian shop from where i was able to download it, the apps will be however in your language. BE AWARE THAT THIS PROCESS WILL DELETE ALL THE PREVIOUS INSTALLED APPS. I DID NOT F***ING KNOW THAT !!! Thank you anyway Dida, for your constant presence and your help! If this will be helpful someday when the fight to IPTV will get greedier feel free to use this and repost as you want!
  12. Hi guys, since this afternoon my samsung smart tv forced me to upgrade my IPTV app, i could not decide if upgrade it or not, it just popped up and started, after the "upgrade" the app vanished and can't manage a way to install it. Can someone anyhow help me?
  13. This is a screen of my actual values hope that it proves that this is working. I made this on 1 Android emulator, 1 iphone 5 iOS 7.1, 1 ipad air 8.3. After 10 days i'm still able to have my modded values and use them. To come to your problem here's what i'd suggest you: -first of all try gameplayer instead of gamegem before say "can someone verify this is working" and see if it works, it's written that the tut is made on gameplayer but IT SHOULD WORK on gamegem due to the fact that is based on the same idea, this means that if you want to do it by yourself you have to use brain or, if you can't manage to do it, follow the steps proved and working. -The search has to be done as i say, and it's obviously impossible due to logic that those processes number will increase instead of decrease when you follow this procedure, it's a "ricorsive" search on the processes hitted by the changements and every time you do it, the app will find the useless processes, so it sounds strange that they increase instead of decrease. -I'm not pretending and not asking you to change the value of a int16 that has his max range at (-)32768. -Dwords and Qwords are used to store money and gems. -This game"modders" are usersided and not serversided so in some games you may issue a "fake" coin value due to the simple string modification, BUT if you would edit just the string you won't be able to buy anything in game cause the value shown is not a real one. This is not that chase, i'm sorry. Try to do it again, it's written that for ios is required a bit more brain usage than android in order to have this to work.
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