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  1. Today when I logged into the game a message appears that my account is limited for 7 days, because I used a third party program, I don't know how they found out
  2. Thank you, you have teach a lot by your video and it's not fair for you giving the offset and everything for free as you have put work on it. I also spent a lot of time finding the right offset, so people don't have to be lazy 😆
  3. Sorry but i'm italian, and i don't understand this slang, i've done something wrong?
  4. Yes i used the mod menu. I can help you for monster level First: open the game and the mod menu, then on Custom Patch #1 at offset paste:102B05A54, and on patch section fill with the value that you want as the video shows. For other offset you have to search by yourself. Hope i have helped you
  5. I have used Live Offset of iGameGod, so nothing IPA mod, only the orignal version from appstore. Then you have to look at the right offset, maybe you are using the wrong one, so you don't see any changes. For example for: get_monsterlevel there are multiple one, all from different class, i think in the video you can see the right method on the right class.
  6. On 1.2.0 version with new offset all works fine, the monster level, boss level, and the possibility to completely skip a battle and winning.
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