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  1. Are you able to run a mission with the hack turned on though? Because I just ran the exact steps above, deleting the game and installing the latest Liberty Lite, Filza, hack deb etc. and still giving the detection error when running a mission. Liberty has always been able to bypass the JB, just so long as you don’t actually “use” the hack menu. Like others have experienced, when we do a mission and when we turn on the hack and select, let’s say, no cool down from menu and use a ultimate, it detects JB. Let us know what your able to do and not doing, maybe some of us are just doing something wrong. Also using 10.2.1 DoubleHelix JB
  2. *fingers crossed* we believe in ya @Joka! Hopefully you get it figured out in time before the next raids start next week. P.S. Not sure if this info helps with solving what’s wrong, but as others have noted, it doesn’t detect JB unless we run a mission with the mod switched on. As soon as the mod is activated, it detects like 5 seconds later on a mission. But if just browsing menus, the JB doesn’t get detected.
  3. Yeah can confirm it still doesn’t work, only detects when we activate cheat menu in a match. Maybe a non-jailbreak version could work perhaps? Just the no cool down, unlimited chakra and god mode are all I use, so if that’s in a non jb version that would be sweet!
  4. This hack used to work with liberty but that all changed a few updates ago. Although Liberty was just updated a few days ago and but sadly can confirm that the hack is still broken like many others are saying. It’s not that the game detects the jailbreak, it only detects it when we activate hack. Guess we’ll have to wait for @Joka to fix or someone else figure out a non jailbroken hack
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