Whenever I downloaded the ldoe hack via sideloadly, I couldn't connect to game center or save any progress. So I thought the only reason that was happening was because I was downloading it from a computer, as that is sort of the consensus right now. But that is completely untrue. Even when I downloaded the same hack from NOT ALLOWED!er, I have the same problem. Also, whenever I download the grim soul hack via sideloadly, I actually can connect to game center. Clearly this isn't a problem with sideloadly and something is wrong with the hack itself. This is so annoying, because it seems very few other people are having this problem, otherwise it would have been fixed a long time ago. I am on an iphone 11 pro, so maybe there is a problem with newer devices? I don't know. I hope the makers of the hack fix this soon, as this has been going on for months.