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  1. I’m on iPhone 15 pro max 17.4.1 weird thing is it works on my old iPad hmmmm makes no sense
  2. it seems like a server side check? because when I Goto the tools at the bottom and try to load one if them instead of crashing to home screen it says an error here’s some images and a video of what happens https://invite.bublup.com/h0gFjxHpy4-U
  3. When you try to import a video does it crash to Home Screen? I posted this on the other jailbreak post But it was the wrong one as I’m on this non jailbreak one
  4. Hello, I hope your day isn’t going too bad so far? this will be the most useful app to me thank you sincerely for responding to me, Your kindness is appreciated. I hope this is not a hassle for you and Have a Wonderful day ahead!
  5. Hello, I hope your day isn’t going too bad so far? I’ve tried many video editing apps. But there’s one called VivaVideo and I actually think it’s on par with a desktop editor! the current one on iosGods app isn’t the same version and is totally different. I use this daily so I hope others see the value of the app so it gets updated it also crashes on launch with the current one Would it be possible to look into this, please? thank you sincerely for responding to me, Your kindness is appreciated. I hope this is not a hassle for you and Have a Wonderful day ahead! Name of the game you want hacked: VivaVideo - Video Editor&Maker Version of the game: 9.15.7 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/vivavideo-video-editor-maker/id738897668 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-Jailbroken Requested Features: VIP UNLOCKED
  6. how does the battery affect speeds? My battery does say 85% capacity but performance it says it’s as normal
  7. My phone literally takes 4+ solid minutes SOLID MINUTES to turn on It don’t matter wether it’s from a total powered off state ( so it’s booting into non jailbroken state Or a ldrestart ( so it’s already been jailbroken Ive tried turning ALL TWEAK OFF VIA ICleaner And it still does it I’ve updated all the stuff in Cydia Wtf is with this phone? If it’s not tweaks wtf is it? Oh another thing that keeps happening Literally constantly my notes app goes black and crashes when I reopen it after a random amount of time I have to ldrestart to fix or something if I Goto iCloud website on browser and click notes it will work again Details iPhone XS Max iOS 14.3 Unc0ver ( tried all versions ) Tweaks TweakRestrictor Crane Shadow jb bypasser Spore Sneakycam Snapper 2 Relocate reborn PowerSelector Offloader Milky Way Haptickeys Hapticbuttons Gyration Evil scheme DNDallow DLGmemor-injected Bakgrunner BaDaBing AppStore++ Appaze 2
  8. Okay so maybe some of you know what apple one is? If not then it works the same as Apple Arcade. somehow even if sign out of the App Store and also my iCloud account in settings and sign back in to a brand new account, it knows I’ve had the trailed for appleone or also same With Apple Arcade now obviously this means it must store a file on the system right? To say I’ve had the trial before... so could maybe one of you please help me finding this bugger?
  9. Sadly it’s local. No cloud save it’s stored on the device I have that app but the question is how can I get the backup saved game onto my non Jailbroken phone?
  10. I’ve seen some questions likes this but wondering what the most up to date way would be? what I read is Make the purchase on the Jailbroken one download Iexplorer or ifunbox Transfer the app document folder is this how to do it? I want to basically just transfer game save data is what it is. Obviously the hacked in so purchase don’t really matter because In general it’s transferring my saved game from jailbreak to my non? but I don’t wanna restore my phone to use iCloud backups
  11. Just downloaded unc0ver and previously had gta sa and YouTube installed which I opened literally 10 minutes ago and was working after trying to open unc0ver it crashed instantly upon launch and now the bloody other 2 apps do. There’s some what still work tho so idk what it’s done
  12. Uhm..... yeah but how do you say don’t like pirating apps where on the iOSGods app they totally don’t have the apps that say ( Free app that was paid for ) lmfao
  13. So if I pay for an app, can I use Filza to keep the files somehow and then I’ll get a refund and I can just redownload the app using Filza? IF not how can I make an app of the AppStore that’s paid for free???
  14. That’s strange. I have gone into the App Store and logged into the us account and tried changing stores on my current account and it dont show up if I go to the link on my pc it takes me to iTunes saying switch to us store? I press yes and then it says this app isn’t available in the IS store!!? Idk i found another app that is the same but it’s not free so I asked on here to see if anyone will crack it but no response yet
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