v 0.4.0
Performance and screen optimization -Added S25 new compatible models -New models supporting Ultra high and High frames -Anti-Allasing (improved/Increased and added) -Improve performance of weapons, models, and scenarios -Adapative mode (change graphics and framerate according to performance) • Gunfights optimization -Shooting animation improved -Enemy death cam -3d touch shooting mode (iphone exclusive) -4x and 8x scopes Optimization -Aiming animation improved -Flits feedback improved -Aiming button disappear if you are not on a good position to aim -Characterjurnp Improved -Character view Improved -Game sound and voicechat Improved • Game user interface -Teammate icon improved -Bag interface Improved -Map automatically marks your vehicle location -Vehicles now have nitro -Motorcycle flip buttons -Open door automatically option -Picking intervals • General update change -New weather (DUSK) -Added new character faces -Match history record added -Daily tasks added -Upgrading task added • New Game modes -Training mode -Sniper mode -Melee mode -Full armor mode (Tier 3 gear) -Fast paced mode -Pistol mode -Shotgun mode • Social experience -Apprentice system mode -Search nearby players -Business card added -Search players by business card filters -Team reccomendations -Chat rooms (News, Tags, Recommended) -Player's team Invitation otimized -Gender Information • Other notes -More clothes added -New player rename tags -Supply price increase and reset once a week -Changing appearance will cost depending on the changes -UI interface speed increased -Voice icon animation improved -Repeated clothes can be exchanged -Data of player record Increased • Bugs -Various bugs fixed -Improved Cheat detection -Cheaters will be banned -People creating cheats, modding, using extemal apps to have an advantage will face LEGAL Consequences.