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  1. Yh, u are using outdated
  2. just added new cards bro
  3. impossible to get inf packs on ios but my mod has inf coins and players
  4. I will update it when I’m not at work
  5. just to do with their servers, just have to wait until they fix it, they don't take long, 15-30 mins usually
  6. well you are clearly doing something wrong because i've just added all the new cards into my one, let me try and get a video together and i'll pm you when its on youtube
  7. how about follow the instruction like 400+ other people have, its not easy to show it in a video, there is a video on my youtube but the method has slightly changed since then, meaning its a bit harder to show on a video. You're the only one having problems following simple instruction. Anyway, links have been updated for the new cards so feel free to try again
  8. yep, just a little bug, will be fixed later on bro nah bro sorry
  9. make sure you follow the new tutorial
  10. of course, new totw will be added later as well
  11. more like/reply = more hype = more users
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