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ViP Jailed
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    iPhone 15 Pro Max
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    * Mangaia *
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  1. Does not work. Please update.
  2. Please update, does not work.
  3. Still does not work : https://imgur.com/a/i037zEh @Laxus
  4. That is fine, but is there any guide on how it is done?
  5. How can I do that? Any quick guide on it?
  6. Hello! I am using App+ with VIP on iPhone 15PM 18.1b4. I tried to install an Instagram Rocket copy which I got from the guy who updates them by default and makes them. However, once I add the file to the app and custom install to change the bundle id and name, it starts normally. Asks me to remove plugins and I do remove them. Once it goes through all the steps asks me to install and I do. Fails to install. This is the app : InstagramRocket_354.0.0_Cert
  7. Anyone with App+ having issues on iOS 18 beta? I am unable to download anything.

    1. Bastien563000


      La même chose je ne peux rien faire 

    2. Mangaia
    3. Rook


      Please create a support topic with more details if you're having issues with App+.

  8. Hey @Rook can you please check your DM? As soon as you can. Thank you.

  9. This is insane! Congratulations! Can’t wait to get my App+ Signed and test them!
  10. @Rook Please check PMs once you can... 😐 

  11. Can anyone tell me why it failed sideloading? 

    There was an issue during installation: 0: AppexBundleMissingClassOrStoryboard (Appex bundle at /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.TcsHTf/extracted/RInstagram.app/PlugIns/com.steveobro.com.widgetextension.appex with id com.steveobro.com.widgetextension does not define either an NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass key with a string value in the NSExtension dictionary in its Info.plist)

    1. Rook


      Might need to tick the remove PlugIns option in Sideloadly.

    2. Mangaia


      Yesss! That worked! Thank you!

  12. Hey @Rook, sorry for bothering you again, could you please check ur pm? Thank you!

  13. @Rook Can you please check your PM? Thank you! Been waiting for a while now.

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