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Everything posted by Jmccormick264

  1. Today I am posting, with the permission of Sarah's Twitter who has made a working snapchat++ with the latest update. Verified by me and other beta testers. Link here [Hidden Content] Note: This is not the latest version released by Unlim. Me and him are working on getting things fixed. Also this has no DRM work done. So if snapchat turns DRM back on, the tweak won't work. Read here Enjoy I am a mod on r/ipahub on Reddit and I have permission from Sarah to post this.
  2. Updated WhatsApp to App Version 2.17.11 Updated Instagram++ to App Version 10.14 and Tweak 1.7r-185
  3. Updated Facebook++ to App Version 85.0 Updated WhatsApp to 2.17.10 (made sure I actually included the right files)
  4. Updated Instagram++ to 1.7r-179. Among other things it fixed the issue of not being able to download photos, etc on sideload.
  5. Updated Facebook to latest version Updated Instagram to latest version Updated Spotify to latest version Updated WhatsApp to latest version Updated YouTube to latest version
  6. Updated Instagram++ to Tweak version 1.7r-170. Please read the "Any Issues" part Updated Saavn to 5.6
  7. Updated Rocket For Instagram to 1.4.6 which has Instagram 10.12 support Also Added Napster++ (latest version - 5.7.1) You're welcome!
  8. Updated Instagram++ to App Version 10.12. Note. the "Follows You" status is broken in this update. I told Unlim and he will look into it.
  9. Do you guys want Rocket for Instagram? Me and a few mods and devs at r/IPAHub on reddit found a way to take rocket For Instagram off of Extensify and make it work without having to use the service.
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