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  1. I know there was a post recently explaining why it doesnt work with the new jailbreak but i'm injecting with new version of iGameGod and i'm still having the same issues, game crashes with the mod; specifically DBL
  2. Here is DB Legends logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1hybcpwsxctynuu1exacl/DBLEGENDS-2024-03-11-013501.ips?rlkey=mtw4ahvbyvtd486mo0ohuc1yc&dl=0 Here is Beatstar logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wm7bgbppwh2y0p78qvvw8/Beatstar-2024-03-10-190107.ips?rlkey=20au8hv6nf19454sxqgg2ij6f&dl=0
  3. iPhone 12 iOS: 15.4.2 JB: Dopamine Package Manager: Sileo/Zebra I've tried with 3 games, DB Legends, DB Dokkan and Beatstar all up to date with the current app version. Beatstar crashes upon enabling a feature and the DB games crash when loading into a level while the feature is active. I've tried removing every tweak besides Filza from BigBoss and PreferenceLoader from Procursus to see if it was a tweak that was conflicting but it still crashes. I used iGameGod to install the .deb, i've tried doing it with Filza but i get an error.
  4. Model: iphone 12 iOS Version: 15.4.2 Jailbreak: Dopamine Package Manager: Sileo When i try installing a .deb i get: Install failed dpkg: error: cannot access archive '/Private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Downloads/com.Joka.PvZ2FreeHack_1.0.0.0_iphoneos-arm 2.deb':Operation not Permitted For the mod requirements I can't find anything on Substitute or Libhooker, probably the reason why its not working but if anyone knows a work around with this jailbreak specifically, please let me know.
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