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  1. Can you please update raid to 9.20.0? Thank you in advance 😀

  2. Nothing happens when  trying to download the new raid ipa for  sideloadly🙂 tried to download it both with my phone and mac

    1. Dr4g0nVIP


      same problem @Laxus. Please double check

    2. Laxus


      @Rookwill fix soon, it is the store bug nothing I can do. Try again later

    3. 14kung


      Okay, thank you anyway 🙂

    4. TarMarRaid


      use this direct link. something broken from overlay window. though the speed x2 isnt working. anyone else facing same issue? cc @Laxus could you please check the ingame speed boost issue. thanks!

      (replace token part. you can copy it from any another app that works)

    5. TarMarRaid


      @Laxus figured out the speed boost issue.  it works. there's a checkbox to enable it. this tutorial vid explains. please ignore the previous request


  3. Can you please update raid shadow legends to 8.50.0? New update dropped again today. Thanks in advance laxus😀 

  4. Please update raid shadow legends to 8.41.0. Thanks in advance 😀

  5. Can you please update raid shadow legends to latest version? Thanks in advance 😀

  6. Can you please update raid shadow legends to the latest version? Thanks in advance 😀

  7. it is already fixed but the new fixed ipa has not been uploaded to iosgoods app yet. @Rook will upload the new ipa when he has time, so please just be patient
  8. It should show up before wwe mayhem in recently updated when it’s been uploaded again
  9. New version crashed when opening @Laxus
  10. Name of the game you want hacked: raid shadow legends Version of the game: 8.20.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/se/app/raid-shadow-legends/id1371565796?ppid=3e5d6f05-7369-4d44-bdd5-d3c332f2bb04 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: non-jailbroken Requested Features: x2 speed
  11. Name of the game you want hacked: Archero Version of the game: 5.5.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/se/app/archero/id1453651052 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: non-jailbroken Requested Features: ohk, freeze enemies
  12. Can you please update raid to 7.50.0. Can’t start the game unless it’s the latest version
  13. Name of the game you want hacked: raid shadow legends Version of the game: 7.30.0 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/se/app/raid-shadow-legends/id1371565796?ppid=0ef2a5da-81de-4734-bc14-94d92007a867 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: none-jailbroken Requested Features: x2 speed
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