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  1. I have transferred it to btd 6 plus and it’s doing same as everyone else is saying as of rn 33.3 isn’t working so please fix ASAP
  2. I just changed the value of the amount of gems cost for the elixir, can’t get unlimited coins unfortunately but you can make the cost of people free by locking it to 0 but you have to do this every mine and same with the level of people Ex.1 search the level (1, level the miner up to level 2 per buy, and then if you have multiple results do it 1 more time search level 3 and change value and lock it) just same with the coins it’ll change value per mine level 👌🏻 Ex.2 cart of elixir cost 4500, search 4500 int32 (i4): change value of 4500 to either 0 to get unlimited free elixir but you receive 0 gems and cost 0 but if you want to raise 5000 just change to value to -5000, repeat you earn more but if you wanna just gain 2m change value to -2000000. you’re welcome everyone ❤️❤️
  3. Even though the gold needs updating I found a way to get either minimum or unlimited diamonds in the space of seconds, I chose 55K coz I didn’t want to over do
  4. I just got banned used apps manager to reset the entire app and i’m unbanned when it asks do you wanna sign into new save or old select new one you won’t be banned
  5. Every time I install the game to my iPad it keeps freezing iPad Pro 10.5” iOS 11.2.6 please help me
  6. All I am getting is transaction error
  7. How would I delete it without jailbreak?
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