The game is cartoony, based around space and you play as a master chief. All I can remember vaguely is that you start off with a blueish master chief skin, played in third person, had campaign where there were these red creatures which bite you, they had 3 legs I think, and another mob where it’s a rhino (it’s tanky and it stops, charged and goes full speed at you). There are like star mobs of these too if I remember correctly, the mobs would be in different color and has more hp. I can remember them have swords, guns, bows , sniper rifles. And during Christmas, the master chief like would have a Santa hat on it. It’s literally a knock off version of Halo, but it was on IOS, probably 6 years ago? Does anyone remember it?
And all of the good weapons had to be bought by gems, like I remember a bow, it has like electric effects and the infinite blade which could only be bought by gems which the weapons would be very OP