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  1. First of all, I'm sorry that it's a translation Help me. This is my code =================================================================== #include <list> #include <vector> #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <cstring> #include <jni.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "Includes/Logger.h" #include "Includes/obfuscate.h" #include "Includes/Utils.h" #include "KittyMemory/MemoryPatch.h" #include "Menu.h" #define targetLibName OBFUSCATE("libil2cpp.so") #include "Includes/Macros.h" struct My_Patches { MemoryPatch xs; } hexPatches; int speed =0; int hwhw=0; void (*old_speed1)(void *instance); void speed1(void *instance) { if(instance != NULL) { if (speed >=0) { //if Toggle *(int *)((uint64_t)instance + 0x10) = speed; //false true 몹겹치기 } } old_speed1(instance); } int (*old_hwhw777)(void *instance); int hwhw777(void *instance) { if(instance != NULL&&hwhw> 0) { return (int)hwhw; } return hwhw777(instance); } void *hack_thread(void *) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("pthread created")); do { sleep(1); } while (!isLibraryLoaded(targetLibName)); LOGI(OBFUSCATE("%s has been loaded"), (const char *) targetLibName); #if defined(aarch64) #else MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress("libil2cpp.so", 0x8A3714), (void *) speed1, (void **)&old_speed1); MSHookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress("libil2cpp.so", 0x748A88), (void *) hwhw777, (void **)&old_hwhw777); LOGI(OBFUSCATE("Done")); #endif return NULL; } extern "C" { JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_FloatingModMenuService_getFeatureList(JNIEnv *env, jobject context) { jobjectArray ret; MakeToast(env, context, OBFUSCATE("개 초 코"), Toast::LENGTH_LONG); const char *features[] = { OBFUSCATE("Category_지금부터쇼타임"), //OBFUSCATE("CheckBox_무적&원킬"), OBFUSCATE("InputValue_9"), //OBFUSCATE("SeekBar_speed_0_100"), OBFUSCATE("InputValue_01"), }; int Total_Feature = (sizeof features / sizeof features[0]); ret = (jobjectArray) env->NewObjectArray(Total_Feature, env->FindClass(OBFUSCATE("java/lang/String")), env->NewStringUTF("")); for (int i = 0; i < Total_Feature; i++) env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, env->NewStringUTF(features[i])); pthread_t ptid; pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, antiLeech, NULL); return (ret); } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_Preferences_Changes(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject obj, jint featNum, jstring featName, jint value, jboolean boolean, jstring str) { LOGD(OBFUSCATE("Feature name: %d - %s | Value: = %d | Bool: = %d | Text: = %s"), featNum, env->GetStringUTFChars(featName, 0), value, boolean, str != NULL ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0) : ""); switch (featNum) { case 0: speed = value; break; case 1: hwhw = value; break; } } } attribute((constructor)) void lib_main() { pthread_t ptid; pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, hack_thread, NULL); }
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