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  1. Got banned as well. Currently testing if their detection is spread across all game modes or just clash battles.
  2. Me want :0
  3. Value changing doesn’t work on 12.4. Only thing that works is the dice hack.
  4. Is this working with the new update? thanks
  5. Such a good game. Too bad that not a lot of people play it compared to other newer games.
  6. App has been updated to its 2.0 version while the ranking event is going on. rip
  7. While @Sterling0x1 did create this wonderful hack initially, keep in mind that @DiDA has been kind enough to keep it updated for a while already.
  8. Just pinging @DiDA so that he’s in the loop ☺️
  9. Any updates @_@? Very desperate as ranking event is ending in 2 days.
  10. Ranking event going on and it ends in 2 days edit: pinging @DiDA in case he is unaware that there was an update. i know I’m being obnoxious but just would like to know if an update is planned for this before the ranking event ends. This way we can stop bugging about this
  11. Thank you for proving this one. It has helped out tremendously. Just wanted to inform thay the app has been update and the old hack doesn't work any longer
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