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  1. I have hacked alot of games through filza or making changes in config.db and hacking iapp through iapp cracker. How can I merge it into ipa to make hack. Some are good quality games that arent available anyone. 

    1. Ted2


      Through filza sounds vague, but if you mean editing .plist with this:


      You can make a nsuserdefaults object in your tweak.xm, then get the key you want to change & use that with your created object to modify.

      You can open the config.db with Obj-c & excecute SQL queries to it.

      Regarding the iAP, hook StoreKit & the method transactionState & return it to 0.

    2. Theo


      Nice 👌👌 described in a very easy and clear way. i'll look for it and check if it can work I really want to be a contributor here. 

      Thanks alot. Please help me out in the future too. 

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