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Everything posted by litox

  1. App Name: ES File Explorer File Manage By Beijing Xiaoxiong Bowang Technology Co., Ltd. v2.5.8Bundle ID: com.doglobal.ESFileExplorerRequires: iOS 11.0 or later.Price: FreeiTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/es-file-explorer-file-manage/id1441621965 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Vip Unlocked Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  2. The hook works on older versions, the latest update just don’t work
  3. %hook AppDelegate -(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application { UIAlertController *alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Title" message:@"App opened!" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert]; UIAlertAction *okAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:nil]; [alert addAction:okAction]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController presentViewController:alert animated:YES completion:nil]; } %end can someone check the code please, does not work.. im hooking the right class and method
  4. update to appstore version: 24.0 works will trollstore
  5. App Name: WebSSH - SysAdmin Tools By MENGUS ARNAUD v23.4 Bundle ID: com.itimeteo.webssh Requires: iOS 16.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/webssh-sysadmin-tools/id497714887 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Pro Unlocked Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  6. help please, i tried everything to change "X2, cfstr_freeversion ; "Free Version"" ida: cfstr_freeversion: __cfstring:0000000100DA7ED0 cfstr_freeversion __CFString <___CFConstantStringClassReference, 0x7D0, afreeversion,\ __cfstring:0000000100DA7ED0 ; DATA XREF: -[MainSettings tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:]+4C0↑o __cfstring:0000000100DA7ED0 0x19> ; "Free Version" (void)setText: __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E608 ; id objc_msgSend_setText_(void *, const char *, ...) __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E608 _objc_msgSend$setText_ ; CODE XREF: -[ConnectionSettingsViewController initWithStyle:andConnectionType:]+1FC↑p __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E608 ; -[ConnectionSettingsViewController initWithStyle:andConnectionType:]+230↑p ... __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E608 ADRP X1, #selRef_setText_@PAGE __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E60C LDR X1, [X1,#selRef_setText_@PAGEOFF] __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E610 ADRP X16, #_objc_msgSend_ptr@PAGE __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E614 LDR X16, [X16,#_objc_msgSend_ptr@PAGEOFF] __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E618 BR X16 __objc_stubs:0000000100A7E618 ; End of function _objc_msgSend$setText_
  7. Thanks for the code, now i understand a bit more, a semicolon was missing tho Can you teach me how to do it using MSHookFunction or MSHookMessageEx?
  8. this is from ida ; Attributes: bp-based frame ; bool __cdecl -[AppPurchase isFeaturePurchased:tillDate:](AppPurchase *self, SEL, signed __int64, id *) __AppPurchase_isFeaturePurchased_tillDate__ var_160= -0x160 var_158= -0x158 var_148= -0x148 obj= -0x140 var_138= -0x138 var_130= -0x130 var_120= -0x120 var_110= -0x110 var_F0= -0xF0 var_70= -0x70 var_60= -0x60 var_50= -0x50 var_40= -0x40 var_30= -0x30 var_20= -0x20 var_10= -0x10 var_s0= 0 SUB SP, SP, #0x170 STP D9, D8, [SP,#0x160+var_60] STP X28, X27, [SP,#0x160+var_50] STP X26, X25, [SP,#0x160+var_40] STP X24, X23, [SP,#0x160+var_30] STP X22, X21, [SP,#0x160+var_20] STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x160+var_10] STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x160+var_s0] ADD X29, SP, #0x160 MOV X20, X3 MOV X21, X2 MOV X22, X0 ADRP X8, #___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGE LDR X8, [X8,#___stack_chk_guard_ptr@PAGEOFF] LDR X8, [X8] STUR X8, [X29,#var_70] BL sub_101495640 MOV X29, X29 BL _objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue MOV X25, X0 CBZ X0, loc_1000AEA08
  9. thanks for tweak.xm
  10. help with this please, %hook AppPurchase -(bool)isFeaturePurchased:TillDate: { return true; } how to properly do -(bool)isFeaturePurchased:TillDate:
  11. What deb are you trying to convert? A hack or an app or what
  12. App Name: Pokecut: AI Background Eraser Bundle ID: com.seawardhyacinth.pokecut Requires: iOS 10.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pokecut-ai-background-eraser/id1581369944 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Premium Unlocked Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  13. App Name: Mockup Generator - Mockitup Bundle ID: com.seawardhyacinth.mockup Requires: iOS 9.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mockup-generator-mockitup/id1539615981 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Premium Unlocked Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  14. App Name: Story Art: Story & Reels Maker By chen ziming v3.0.6 Bundle ID: org.skydomain.animatedpost Requires: iOS 10.2 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/story-art-story-reels-maker/id1176403575 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Premium Unlocked Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/5-game-cheats-hack-requests/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  15. App Name: Bodybuilding MealPrep CookBook By Gabriel Lupu v1.0 Bundle ID: com.PalmMarStudios.bodybuildingcookbook Requires: iOS 13.1 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bodybuilding-mealprep-cookbook/id1617604610 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Premium Jailbreak required hack(s): iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  16. App Name: Bodybuilding MealPrep CookBook By Gabriel Lupu v1.0 Bundle ID: com.PalmMarStudios.bodybuildingcookbook Requires: iOS 13.1 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bodybuilding-mealprep-cookbook/id1617604610 Mod Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS. - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak. - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra). Hack Features: - Premium Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download. STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza. STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen. STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings. STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  17. App Name: Fish Story: Save the Lover By ABIGAMES PTE. LTD v1.6.7 Bundle ID: com.joybits.choices Requires: iOS 11.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fish-story-save-the-lover/id1644667808 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - No Ads Jailbreak required hack(s): iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  18. App Name: Fish Story: Save the Lover By ABIGAMES PTE. LTD v1.6.7 Bundle ID: com.joybits.choices Requires: iOS 11.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fish-story-save-the-lover/id1644667808 Mod Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS. - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak. - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra). Hack Features: - No Ads Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download. STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza. STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen. STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings. STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  19. Ty
  20. App Name: A Color Story: Photo + Video By A Color Story LLC v4.8.8 Bundle ID: com.acolorstory.acolorstory Requires: iOS 11.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/a-color-story-photo-video/id1015059175 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Pro Unlocked (Color+, Filters, etc) Jailbreak required hack(s): iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  21. App Name: A Color Story: Photo + Video By A Color Story LLC v4.8.9 Bundle ID: com.acolorstory.acolorstory Requires: iOS 11.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/a-color-story-photo-video/id1015059175 Mod Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS. - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak. - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra). Hack Features: - Pro Unlocked (Color+, Filters, etc) Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download. STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza. STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen. STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings. STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  22. App Name: Car Parking: Traffic Jam 3D By INDIEZ GLOBAL PTE. LTD. v1.0.11 Bundle ID: com.nostel.car.park.3d Requires: iOS 10.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/car-parking-traffic-jam-3d/id1606674182 Mod Requirements: - Non-Jailbroken/Jailed or Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - Sideloadly / Cydia Impactor or alternatives. - A Computer Running Windows/macOS/Linux with iTunes installed. Hack Features: - Insta Win - All Cars Unlocked - No Ads Jailbreak required hack(s): iOS Hack Download IPA Link: [Hidden Content] PC Installation Instructions: STEP 1: If necessary, uninstall the app if you have it installed on your iDevice. Some hacked IPAs will install as a duplicate app. Make sure to back it up so you don't lose your progress. STEP 2: Download the pre-hacked .IPA file from the link above to your computer. To download from the iOSGods App, see this tutorial topic. STEP 3: Download Sideloadly and install it on your PC. STEP 4: Open/Run Sideloadly on your computer, connect your iOS Device, and wait until your device name shows up. STEP 5: Once your iDevice appears, drag the modded .IPA file you downloaded and drop it inside the Sideloadly application. STEP 6: You will now have to enter your iTunes/Apple ID email login, press "Start" & then you will be asked to enter your password. Go ahead and enter the required information. STEP 7: Wait for Sideloadly to finish sideloading/installing the hacked IPA. If there are issues during installation, please read the note below. STEP 8: Once the installation is complete and you see the app on your Home Screen, you will need to go to Settings -> General -> Profiles/VPN & Device Management. Once there, tap on the email you entered from step 6, and then tap on 'Trust [email protected]'. STEP 9: Now go to your Home Screen and open the newly installed app and everything should work fine. You may need to follow further per app instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: iOS/iPadOS 16 and later, you must enable Developer Mode. For free Apple Developer accounts, you will need to repeat this process every 7 days. Jailbroken iDevices can also use Sideloadly/Filza/IPA Installer to normally install the IPA with AppSync. If you have any questions or problems, read our Sideloadly FAQ section of the topic and if you don't find a solution, please post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
  23. App Name: Dream Restaurant - Idle Tycoon By ABIGAMES PTE. LTD v1.0 Bundle ID: com.abi.idle.restaurant Requires: iOS 11.0 or later. Price: Free iTunes URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dream-restaurant-idle-tycoon/id6443774278 Mod Requirements: - Jailbroken iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. - iGameGod / Filza / iMazing or any other file managers for iOS. - Cydia Substrate, Substitute or libhooker depending on your jailbreak. - PreferenceLoader (from Cydia, Sileo or Zebra). Hack Features: - Unlimited Gems - Unlimited Money (Might display 0.00, but you got tons of money) - High Tips from Jar Non-Jailbroken & No Jailbreak required hack(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/79-no-jailbreak-section/ Modded Android APK(s): https://iosgods.com/forum/68-android-section/ For more fun, check out the Club(s): https://iosgods.com/clubs/ iOS Hack Download Link: [Hidden Content] Installation Instructions: STEP 1: Download the .deb Cydia hack file from the link above. Use Safari/Google Chrome or other iOS browsers to download. STEP 2: Once the file has downloaded, tap on it and then you will be prompted on whether you want to open the deb with iGameGod or copy it to Filza. STEP 3: If necessary, tap on the downloaded file, and then, you will need to press 'Install' from the options on your screen. STEP 4: Let iGameGod/Filza finish the cheat installation. Make sure it successfully installs, otherwise see the note below. STEP 5: If the hack is a Mod Menu — which is usually the case nowadays — the cheat features can be toggled in-game. Some cheats have options that can be enabled from your iDevice settings. STEP 6: Turn on the features you want and play the game. You may need to follow further instructions inside the hack's popup in-game. NOTE: If you have any questions or problems, read our Troubleshooting topic & Frequently Asked Questions & Answers topic. If you still haven't found a solution, post your issue down below and we'll do our best to help! If the hack does work for you, please post your feedback below and help out other fellow members that are encountering issues. Credits: - litox Cheat Video/Screenshots: N/A
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