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Posts posted by AEGi5

  1. What happens if I set my fastforward faster?

    If your internet can handle it, go for it.

    What about ads between videos? i have to click x to close?Do I have to keep my phone active the whole time?

    Unfortunately for ads like those you must tap x. I am currently making a bot that will bypass this problem

    Hmmmm fastforward dont work in this app. Author, you are check this method?

    FastForward works with this app. Did you enable CheckPoints in the FastForward app?

  2. I've been earning about $30 a week for doing absolutely nothing on my smartphone. 


    Here's what you need:


    A smartphone. (the more, the better earnings)






    A brain 



    What is CheckPoints?


    CheckPoints is an app that allows you to earn money by checking in to certain placeswatching videos, scanning products, and taking offers.


    However, for me particularly, I watch videos.


    Why use CheckPoints?


    CheckPoints gives you the opportunity to earn points just by watching videos, similar to apps like AppTrailers and Perk. However, the main difference is that the videos are fully automated. Meaning that you can do something else while you let CheckPoints run on your smartphone or smartphones. 


    Why should you use CheckPoints?


    It is fully automated, and it is very easy to gain cash by using CheckPoints. In comparison to Perk/AppTrailers, this app trumps all other video-playing reward apps in terms of point --> cash conversion. When you watch 3 videos, you earn 1 point. These videos average about 1 minute to 2 minutes. However, with my method, there is a simple bypass that allows you to earn much more than the average user.


    How do I get CheckPoints?


    CheckPoints is actually located in both the Google Play store and the App Store. The app from my understanding only operates in the U.S., so make a U.S. iTunes account if you have to. 


    App Store Link:


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    React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content & download link.


    Google Play Store Link:


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    Now the secret method that I use to make about $30 a week from this app.


    Remember, the more smartphones you have, the better the payout!


    Hidden Content

    React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content & download link.


    Remember, the more smartphones you have, the more points you get!


    Thank you for reading :)

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  • This has been posted already.


    Regardless, it's not a different representative each time. Rather, it depends when you submit the refund request. They have different schedules, and there are a limited number of employees working at making refunds. Weekdays 9:00 AM to 6-ish is the schedule of one employee, while another employee's schedule is kind of Weekends from 11:30 to 7-ish... etc etc. I have a few of their name's written down, as well as what time and day they responded to the request. Also, another thing is the timing of the requests. I'd say let a few days pass between each request, and it also helps to keep a running situation. What I mean by this is that, make an excuse that can be followed up with another one that is actually believable.


    I've used this strategy, so far I have not been caught (For nowww, I REGRET NOTHING). I have had a maximum of 5 refunds per each Apple ID (I'm talking hella-big refunds)


    Anywho, I also suggest you play the role of a concerned, well educated parent, it's a bit more efficient.


    Happy refunding guys.


    I've actually tried using the role of a "concerned, well educated parent". I've found that it will be more likely that they will be more doubtful about your ticket. With broken grammar and the "kid situation" I've had no problems so far. Moreover, I have recently noticed that the people responding to my tickets are asians (lol). But ultimately, it all comes down to whoever is responding to the ticket.  (y)

  • The risk is far too low as compared to my first arena bot with debug menu gem etc.


    I personally have been using this before this was started.


    Those that can't use ts' Lua script, record it on your own. Every type of phone have different resolution.


    i am well aware. this is my first bot.  ;)


    I have made a guide which will work on all iDevices, enjoy.

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