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Posts posted by ThePianoGuy

  1. Dnn868v.png

    - Net Framework 4
    - Windows 7 and above

    - Select files
    - Rename files
    - Set output directory.
    - Set mode.
    - Set registration offsets
    - Auto fill up offset registrations after dump
    - Drag and drop support
    - Remember everything except registrations
    - Logs saves on exit. It saves on your documents if tool is located in C drive.
    - Works as same as original Il2CppDumper



    How to use:
    This works as same as original Il2CppDumper but with more advanced features.

    Open .apk (Android) or .ipa (iOS) using 7-zip or Winrar.

    Extract libil2cpp.so file from ARM or x86 folder (Android) or extract binary file that does not have a file extension (iOS)

    Extract global-metadata.dat from  \Data\Managed\Metadata\

    Select binary file (.so file or iOS binary) and global-metadata.dat file.

    Set your output directory

    Rename the files if you want

    Select your mode. If manual set, you need to imput offsets you found in the binary file.

    Press start when you are ready

    Perfare Il2CppDumper
    AndnixSH (GUI)

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  2. 19 hours ago, QuasaR said:

    First of all, thank you very very much for this tutorial.
    I was wondering if you have an example Tweak.xm for a game with how to hook the class functions.

    I have found the following info for the game I am trying to 'hack'

    What I want is to display the current value (so I know I am in the right place) and then hook the set_ functions to set a new value.

    I am hoping you can help me.
    If you need more info please let me know


    In my search of more tools I stumbled across something interesting.


    This little tool lets you add the strings from the global*.dat file directly into IDA which makes searching easiere :)

    If there is no class names in ida, you can't hook the class function. do code injection instead. 

    There are lot of tutorials in iosgods. Just search and search

    Nevermoe's loader is unstable

  3. yPzDzQO.png

    As requested, here is the tutorial how to dump il2cpp of iOS Unity games. With Il2CppDumper, it will be much easier to find useful functions and offsets to hack. No need to waste your time debugging the game.


    - ARM/ASM knowledge

    - IDA hacking experience

    - IDA Pro. Download link

    - Notepad++. Download link

    - Il2CppDumper (Windows). Download link

    - Clutch or Rasticrac for jailbroken devices or visit appvn.com to download latest cracked free games

    - Winrar or 7-zip to open .ipa file



    Download Il2CppDumper released version by Perfare and extract the program


    To open .ipa file, simply rename file extension to .zip and open it

    If you are using 7-zip, right click -> 7-zip -> Open Archive to open .ipa file directly



    Navigate to \Payload\<app or game name>.app\ and extract the big binary file that doesn't have file extension

    Navigate to \Payload\iosfps.app\Data\Managed\Metadata\ and extract global-metadata.dat



    Press 1 for 32-bit and press 2 for auto. Please use Auto mode to get the program to find offsets and dump code for you because looking for 2 required pointers (CodeRegistration and MetadataRegistration) in IDA Pro to dump is too complicated and Unity already stripped all names of functions which means it will be harder to find,

    As you used auto mode, the program will tell the pointers, but you do not need to know it if you have no idea what it is.


    Skip 64-bit steps if you are working with 32-bit



    Auto mode does not work on 64-bit binary yet. Here is dev's response

    "I have to say, these same questions will make me feel that adding auto feature is a bad decision

    We have to find 2 required offsets (CodeRegistration and MetadataRegistration) in IDA to dump. Open IDA Pro 64-bit (idaq64.exe), and disassemble the binary in 64-bit. Search function name InitFunc_1.

    Above InitFunc_1, there is sub function that contains 2 pointers we need.

    sub_100C46D8C                           ; DATA XREF: InitFunc_1+8o

                     ADRP            X0, #unk_101D48FE8@PAGE

                     ADD             X0, X0, #unk_101D48FE8@PAGEOFF

                     ADRP            X1, #dword_101D948C8@PAGE


    In Il2CppDumper, Press 2 for 64-bit and Press 1 for manual. Input your pointers:

    Input CodeRegistration(X0): your first pointer

    Input MetadataRegistration(X1): your second pointer


    The dump.cs file should be created at the location where Il2CppDumper.exe is located


    Open dump.cs with Notepad++ by right click and select Edit with Notepad++

    Inside dump.cs, you'll see C# codes. Method bodies are not dumped but it's a very simple code that tells you function names and offsets to mod.



    launch Il2CppDumper.exe. It will open the dialog twice to select file. For ELF file or Mach-O file, select the binary file. For global-metadata.dat, select global-metadata.dat


    It will ask you to select platform, 32-bit or 64-bit. Press 1 for 32-bit or press 2 for 64-bit. Now for Mode, Press 1 for manual and press 2 for auto. Please use Auto mode to get the program to find offsets and dump code for you because looking for 2 required offsets (CodeRegistration and MetadataRegistration) in IDA Pro to dump is too complicated and Unity already stripped all names of functions which means it will be harder to find, and I haven't find out where to find 2 offsets in 64-bit binary yet. As you used auto mode, the program will tell the offsets, but you do not need to know it if you have no idea what it is.


    The dump.cs file should be created at the location where Il2CppDumper.exe is located


    Open dump.cs with Notepad++ by right click and select Edit with Notepad++

    Inside dump.cs, you'll see C# codes. Method bodies are not dumped but it's a very simple code that tells you function names and offsets to mod.


    To search, click Search -> Find...

    To find all keyword, click on Find All in Current Document


    If you never seen C# code before, I'll explain a bit what the codes mean. I'm bad at explaining what these code means but I hope it goes well

    This comment you see on top is just a list .dll files that are been converted into il2cpp

    // Image 0: mscorlib.dll - 0

    // Image 1: System.Security.dll - xxxx

    // Image xx: Assembly-CSharp.dll - xxxx

    The Assembly-CSharp.dll (Android users know this) is a game logic thing and it is what we looking for. The full code of "Assembly-CSharp.dll" thingy is always located somewhere at the bottom of the dumped file


    This class body is like a group to make programmers easier to find codes. For example PlayerAntiHack class contains anti-hack code related.

    // Namespace:

    public class PlayerScript : MonoBehaviour // TypeDefIndex: 4303




    In IDA you'll probarly see function names like






    I'll bring this better details for you:

    A class is a construct that enables you to create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events. A class is like a blueprint. It defines the data and behavior of a type. ... Unlike structs, classes support inheritance, a fundamental characteristic of object-oriented programming.


    In the class, you'll see something like this:

    // Fields

    private int primaryWeaponIndex; // 0x10

    private float minSpread; // 0x820

    private float spread; // 0x824

    private float visualSpread; // 0x828



    Fields is not what we looking for so let's look into Methods.


    // Methods

    private int findNextAvailableWeapon(int currentWeaponIndex); // 1e704c

    private bool IsLookingAtPlayer(PlayerScript player); // 1f3894

    public bool HasBeenVisible(); // 1f2fa0


    public int get_Gold_Example(); // 1a2b3c

    public float float_example(); // 1a2b3d



    This is what we looking for. These simple codes explains the name of the methods/functions, what type and the REAL IDA OFFSETS are written in the green commenented text.


    public, private, protected etc, are access modifier. It's not important to know

    static is a static modified to declare a static member. It's not important to know

    int, float, double, boolean etc are data type.


    If you look up the offset in IDA, you will see a sub_xxxxxx



    Write down all useful functions + offsets you found inside the dumped .cs file and start writing your code injection.


    Note: It is suggested that you disassemble the binary file and look up the offsets to see if there are enough spaces to replace the instructions to hack.


    That's all. Good luck hacking iOS games!



    Perfare (Il2CppDumper https://github.com/Perfare/Il2CppDumper)


    If you have any issues with Il2CppDumper, please report the issue at: https://github.com/Perfare/Il2CppDumper/issues/

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  4. I have found a new way to decrypt .dll and other files using Termux. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to decrypt an encrypted .dll file

    - Rooted device or Emulator. ARM or x86.
    - A powerful Android device: 1 GB RAM, 4 cores, 1.5 - 2.x GHz. If you have a low-end device, your device may freeze during dumping.
    - Available free space of Internal storage or Sdcard: 2 GB
    - Requires Android 5.0 and up. Works on Marshmallow 6.0.1. Termux will not work on 4.4.4 and below.
    - Termux app. It is avaliable on Play Store
    - Modified Winhex for Windows (free version will not work for this purpose).

    Hidden Content

    React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content & download link.

    There is no need PIE patching. gdb 7.12 natively support Android 5.0 and up

    If your device is running Kitkat 4.4.4 and below, please read my old tutorial:

    Using Android Emulator?
    Sorry, gdb gcore doesn't work with x86.

    Finding the package name of the app:
    Find the package name of the app you're going to hack!
    This will be required to find the app in the Terminal app we're going to use soon.
    It's usually called "com.DEVELOPER_CODE.GAME_CODE".
    You can find it going (with your browser) to the Google Play website, looking for the game you have installed on your device and then copying what's next to "id=".

    See screenshot:


    Alternatively, you can Install Package Name Viewer 2.0 from play store and you'll find the package name of any app you have installed on your device.


    If your device is running Cyanogenmod/Lineage OS, you can go to Settings -> Apps and then you'll find the package name of any app you have installed on your device.


    Termux setup and decryption:
    Open Termux. It should be very similar to the following one:


    Type the following commands:

    apt update

    Update package infomation
    apt-get update downloads the package lists from the repositories and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies.


    apt install gdb tsu

    Install both gdb and tsu

    gdb is a process debugger
    tsu is a root mode for Termux.

    Press the home button and launch the game. Let the game fully load.

    Open multitask, and go back to Termux

    Type the following commands:


    Enter Superuser mode
    Grant root access to enter superuser mode for your device when asked.

    dumpsys meminfo | grep com*

    Show process list

    This command will search for all the running processes starting with "com." (the * is a jolly symbol which means any letter/number/symbol). The package name of the game is always at top. Don't forget to write it down



    Exit Superuser mode


    Enter root mode for Termux

    gdb -pid <pid>

    attach a process with gdb


    gdb -pid 12345

    Hit return to continue when asked.

    Do not worry about any warnings like these you may read in the Terminal app:


    gcore <path>

    save core file


    gcore /sdcard/thegametodump

    Type Y when asked

    This will take 3-5 minutes. You device may freeze during dumping. Do not touch your device.


    quit gdb
    And deattach the process when asked

    Or you can exit Termux session from notification


    Connect your device to your computer and copy your dumped file, if the file does not appear, just create a folder and move the file. This way Windows should be able to see it

    Recover decrypted files using WinHex:
    Open Winhex.exe

    File -> Open... and select a dumped file

    Tools -> Disk Tools -> File Recovery by Type


    Click the "+" next to "Programs" (1) and check "Windows exec." (2). Now, select the folder where you want the new file to be generated under "Output Folder" (3).

    Ensure "Complere byte-level search" is checked (4) and then click "OK" (5).


    The file recover will now begin and, when it finished you'll get a message like this:


    Now, reach the location where you saved this file and delete all files with the ".com" extension. They're not needed and may only cause confusion.

    You can finally close WinHex.

    Happy modding!

    x-ways devs (Winhex program)
    Fredrik (Termux app)

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