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  1. @Rook @Laxus my vip expired i cant create a post..please we are requesting put back the crown add feature for dominations…that feature is very very important especially now crowns csn be use for legendary and vip points in the game. @Sanci78 @zhuminglai520 and other are using  the mod for years with no problem. im kneeling and begging to put it back…thanks

    1. Laxus


      I will forward this message to Rook and he will add it back in next game update

    2. BENTOT


      yey! thanks @Laxus

      i will vip again now thanks again

      @zhuminglai520 good news my friend you can extend

      @Sanci78 its good again bro

    3. zhuminglai520


      @BENTOTThis is exciting news. Thank you for your efforts, brother. I had no intention of purchasing VIP again, but now I will purchase it before its expiration date

    4. Sanci78


      @Rook, @Laxus this is the most important feature in the hack! This is a good label, what you made @Rook, however you should be give chance player to use this feature, after read warnings on it. Thank you guys!

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