so not everyone is aware of this but there is a glitch in merge dragons that will sometimes when adding friends cause 2 random accounts to get merged, after a year of fighting with this and multiple attempts to fix that initialy worked, all has failed, i have tryed going thru the game devs for the past 6 months with no assistance, ive been tied up with a russian account which means he can change my name, friends list, accept and give gifts even change my den , we had setup a private den for the sake of comunication between the 2 of us to try and troubleshoot things, and yeah it looked weird talking to ourself.....
so heres the deal, theres a unique 32 character account ID somewhere in the saves or data, in fact ive proven it, if you make a new game and play thru the tutorial up to the point of being able to add your name at that point the game gets a unique ID, if you add in your DB file it will sometimes retain the new account ID...untill they patch for an event at which point its a 50/50 shot as to if youll re-merge to your old account ID
so im looking for someone who has either A found the location, B found a fix, C wants to go hunting for it
ive actualy managed to move both me AND the russian to a new ID a few times, i had also managed to split us up for 2 months so i KNOW it can be done, but its beyond my abilitys , honestly at this point id setel for knowing where the ID is, so i can make a new game and just inject the new game ID every time it re-merges us, not a perfect fix but atleast a liveable one