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  1. Thanks for sharing
  2. If this is true it'd be shocking. Do you have the source for it? Thank you.
  3. I'm glad to see many people interested in this thread, hopefully the author will "enlighten" us soon as it looks like I'm not the only one having issues Thanks for the help, @Ted2 and good luck!
  4. Thanks for the help, but I spent over 48 hours try to find a solution and this has been one of the first ideas I had, unfortunately it didn't work. (the concept is right, as WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE gives the app permissions to write also in the Internal Storage, as soon as the files you're dealing with are app's internal files, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to fix the issue for some reasons) I guess the smali code is lacking some kind of permissions check before executing the commands which probably caused the issue I experienced.
  5. We're close. On my side, the game launches, but I can easily notice from the logs that something went wrong as it didn't inject anything. java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/app-lib/com.example/libexample.so: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied) It looks like the game doesn't have the required permissions to write to that path, (I replaced the folder and the file name in the example above, but the path is correct) so the game simply runs without injecting into the lib. Once again, thanks to @AlphaSpark for his help which helped us a lot. Hopefully we'll soon make this script work properly!
  6. No, the path is relative to the phone's internal data, not to the apk and it's correct. So kind of you, thank you so much!
  7. No, you're not alone, @TheArmKing, it happens to everybody as the script is incomplete.
  8. @Jbro129 any news about the missing MainActivity.smali?
  9. Looks interesting, thank you, btw I think there's a missing MainActivity.smali. Also, I suggest editing the following line: const/16 v1, 0x1234 // the offset with: const v1, 0x1234 // the offset in order to avoid "cannot fit into a short" errors, altough I'm sure most of the guys here should already know how to do it by themselves
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