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    Also have a iPad on iOS 13.7 jailbroken, iPhone 7+ on 14.2 jailbroken, a jailed iPhone 12 Pro Max, an iPhone 6+ on 12.4.1, 3 iPhone 6s+‘s running UO 12.1.2, Yalu102 and Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreaks, an iPhone 5 on iOS 8.4, an iPhone 4 on 7.1, jailbroken iPad on iOS 5.1.1 and orig iPhone on iOS 3 jailbreakme. Lately been mostly making SB tweaks, but still interested in looking under the hood of apps wth gdb, debugserver/lldb, and IDA. Always up for learning new things, and meeting new people.
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  1. So my coworker who's Mr Apple Fanboy shows me how cool iOS 11 is, with the new control panel. I showed him mine on iOS 10 with the My Control Pane tweak. Scary how similar they are.  

    I swear Apple steals its best ideas for every software update from JB community, yet still bashes us, and makes it harder and harder to make new jailbreaks. If they ever manage to stop new jailbreaks, then who will they steal their ideas from in the future? I guess Android, which is comically ironic.

    1. Bossx2


      Three things 

      1. Apple doesn't want to disabe jailbreaking but it is trying to make its security better

      2. Yeah Apple takes a lot of ideas from the jb community but the jb community take its ideas from people so that means Apple takes ideas form people which is a good thing 

      3. It is impossible for Apple to completely shutdown jailbreaking cause of they patch one exploit another exploit will come and so on 

    2. KFCzZz


      @Bossx2 stfu boi, you don't know sh!t. Apple is being GAY and is stopping people from jailbreaking, there are some iOS version that haven't been jailbroken and Apple is taking ideas. Not all tweak developers take ideas from other people. 

    3. Joka
    4. KFCzZz


      @Joka apple wants the D 

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