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  1. it is working!! The toggle button and the hack both work! You're doing the lord's work thank you so much!!
  2. hello @Puddin the hack crashes when toggled. Also, it seems that the werk points don't seem to duplicate anymore.
  3. Ohh ok i didn’t know that thank you for your reply! I tried to hack it using igdebugger, the value would turn as the one i put but when i actually try to buy stuff it doesn’t work. It is a unity game… so there is no hope ?😢
  4. Hello @Rook , sorry to bother you again. I tried hacking suitU (one of the many other fashion games that seem to be working, THANK YOU) but SuitU is the only one that whenever I opened it it said that it was “tweak is working” yet whenever I tried to change the values within the game, whether be it gold or the two diamond values it doesn’t change. If it’s server sided why does it say “tweak is working” when I open the game? Maybe I’m not doing it right?
  5. @Rook maybe there is something I'm not doing right? I downloaded both Covet Fashion for funsies and Pocket Styler and all three games crashed upon loading. There might be an option I'm clicking that is wrong, here is a screenshot of my sideloadly tab. If becoming a patron will fix it I'll do that too lol
  6. Thank you so much again!! IosGods has saved me an insane amount of money over the past years so I'm super thankful to all the work you guys do!
  7. Hello @Rook I paid for VIP membership in hopes of getting Fashion Designer: Super Tailor (app store link here) hacked by injecting it with IGameGod but whenever I try to download the app it crashes, I tried downgrading the version from the current 1.0.6 to 1.0.5, enabling file sharing, checking the box for sildeload spoofer. I don't know what else to do... Please help? Thank you for all the hard work you do!!
  8. Hello @Puddin did you by chance figure out a way to get the legacy and season passes? I’d literally be a patron forever if you could 🥹
  9. @Puddin Here is the season pass i’d appreciate if you’d be able to hack (it changes every once in a while, but i believe it isn’t a subscription)
  10. Hello @Puddin there's an update. Can you please make the newer hack version available? Thank you!!!!
  11. Hello @Puddin! I’ve been going through the igamegod for a while now. But i still am unable to get the legacy and monthly passes for free. Would you know how i might approach this? Thank you so much for the work you do!
  12. OK! I’ll report back in the next week (after the 33 day period has finished)
  13. Hello IOS Gods saff. I filed in a device transfer but I heard back nothing yet (I filed mine on May 23 2024) Can your team please give me access to isogods+? THank you!
  14. @Puddin hello! Figured it out, it was like the others said. Can you please update the hack? Thanks!
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