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LnD Vapor

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  1. Hmm, I just tried the set/get_IsGameFinished offsets using a Bool False, and I don’t think anything changed, and I tried using the set/get_MoneyAmount with a High value hex and it still gave me the 3 gold with the bet amount set on 1500 edit- changing the set_MoneyAmount does change the rewards screen to blank but I don’t see an increase in rewards. Nvm just a bug with the game
  2. Was it by chance the EventRewards offset I posted? If not do you have the offset and patch that worked. I really do appreciate it!
  3. 📌 Game Hack Request Details: Game Name: Lowriders Comeback: Boulevard Game Version: 0.2.0 App Store Link: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lowriders-comeback-boulevard/id6714479204 Device Type: Jailbroken / Non-Jailbroken 🎮 Hack Features You Want: Money/Gold I’ve spent a roughly a week trying to get some offsets straight from Dnspy to work with the IGG offset patcher but nothings working. It may just be server sided but the last edition of the game wasn’t so I’m hesitant to say it is. It may just be things not quite working on my jb. If anyone wants to take a crack at it I would appreciate it! Below is an up to date decrypted IPA and some offsets I’ve found. Decrypted IPA (MediaFire Link) [hide] https://www.mediafire.com/file/8m5d0kfj5r1bshx/LowridersComebackBoulevard_0.2.0_iOSGods.com.ipa/file [/hide] Offsets [hide] namespace Service public int Money - 177DA2C public int Gold - 177DA4C public void AddMoney(int c) - 177DB64 public void AddGold(int c) - 177DB84 public bool HasGold(int cost) - 177DC70 public bool HasMoney(int amount) - 177DCA8 namespace Feature.CommunityAccessoryGroups public bool IsAccessoriesLimitReached - 1595200 public class EventReward public EventReward - 15A9704 namespace Feature.Autodealer.UI private void <BuyCarForGold>g__BuyAndGoToGarage|76_0 - 158A194 private void <BuyCarForMoney>g__BuyAndGoToGarage|78_0 - 158A778 private void ActivatePanelsToBuy(bool isActive) - 1589404 public void BuyCarForGold - 1589C08 public void BuyCarForMoney - 1589DBC public void SelectBuyButton - 158A018 [/hide]
  4. I forgot to post back, I tried this Thursday and it didn’t work, I seen they had an update Wednesday so I wasn’t to sure if that had something to do with it, if not the offset patcher may be the problem on my phone, I think im going to look into making a deb. Thank you guys!
  5. I have also tried messing with the offset that “should” change the shops car price but I didn’t get anything, so it might be a good possibility my patcher isn’t working
  6. All good! Im gonna try a few different things, if you do by chance have any offsets for a game right on hand I will try them. That’ll definitely help me find out whether it’s wrong offsets or the patcher. I appreciate it!
  7. I also think the amount of gold earned in the mission is directly tied to your score, so the only way to increase gold would be to increase the score on the mission which would get detected in the leaderboards easily, I haven’t tried using the score offsets but that’s what I assume
  8. Yea I’m using the Live offset patcher, I’ll look into how to make a deb and try that, I’ve seen a few people has managed to get on the score board on some of the missions lately with crazy scores but they got deleted, I’m starting to think gold/money is server sided i used an iap purchases app and was able to get gold, but they’ve got something in place to detect it because it’s locked it up and won’t let me spend the “purchased” gold Here’s a few offsets that I would think they would do something but I haven’t been able to get them to work [hide] ShopCarData GoldCost get_GoldCost - 15413A4 Int Feature.Shop.UI IsEnoughGoldToBuy = 14A1F2C Bool Service.Currency AddGold - 1744730 Int SerializedWallet AddGold - 16D71AC Int Wallet AddMoney - 16D764C Int ShowDanceGame get_CurrentMultiplyFactor - 1783AE8 Int set_CurrentMultiplyFactor - 1783AF0 Int get_Score - 1783AD8 Int set_Score - 1783AE0 Int [/hide]
  9. Hey guys forgive me this is my first time trying this, but have been around for a bit and In the recent days been reading the tutorials in the tutorial section. So I’ve decrypted Lowriders Comeback: Boulevard (Unity Game) with igg, and then dumped it with il2cppdumper and opened the Dummy DLL folder with Dnspy. I’ve gotten a handful of offsets and using the igg offset patcher, get_gold, get_Money, set_Gold, set_Money, get_Rewards, set_Rewards and things like that I’ve found, using a high value hex code doesn’t trigger anything. I’ve tried doing different things in the game like missions, spending, earning with the switches activated. my question is, am I just using/finding the wrong offsets, or does the game require a different method? I can upload the ipa and a txt file of offsets if anyone else wants to take a crack at it, but as my first go on this type of stuff I’d like to try to do it myself just need some help/guidance. Thanks!
  10. Very nice!
  11. Name of the game you want hacked: Lowriders Comeback: Boulevard Version of the game: 0.1.9 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lowriders-comeback-boulevard/id6714479204 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-Jailbroken Requested Features: Decrypted or Unlimited Money/Gold unfortunately the app is paid it is $1.99 but I was wondering if I could get it decrypted as it requires iOS 16 and my JB device is iOS 15, looking to sideload it onto my non-jb device with IGG jailed. I know it’s a long shot but If anyone could do it I would greatly appreciate it!
  12. Hello, I’m having a problem with the loading screen freezing at what looks like 100% when entering Gensis Lab, I’ve waited till it reset once already and it’s still freezing my game, I’ve tried turning all mods off, trying it in a clean ipa of the game, anyone else experienced this?
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