Hey guys forgive me this is my first time trying this, but have been around for a bit and In the recent days been reading the tutorials in the tutorial section.
So I’ve decrypted Lowriders Comeback: Boulevard (Unity Game) with igg, and then dumped it with il2cppdumper and opened the Dummy DLL folder with Dnspy.
I’ve gotten a handful of offsets and using the igg offset patcher, get_gold, get_Money, set_Gold, set_Money, get_Rewards, set_Rewards and things like that I’ve found, using a high value hex code doesn’t trigger anything. I’ve tried doing different things in the game like missions, spending, earning with the switches activated.
my question is, am I just using/finding the wrong offsets, or does the game require a different method? I can upload the ipa and a txt file of offsets if anyone else wants to take a crack at it, but as my first go on this type of stuff I’d like to try to do it myself just need some help/guidance. Thanks!