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  1. Black market limit hack/tournament market limit hack. Search type : float 32 search value : 2 (for black market), 5(for tournament market) refresh market and search 1 .. 4 refresh market and search 0 .. 3 Less than 50 result. change all to 9999. Tournament level hack. Search type : float 32 search value : tournament score value. keep searching until you have less than 10 result. change it 8000. keep level up and get reward. Rep hack. 100 will make your car go haywire but will allow you to level up enough. 110 will make your car go only 100mph. 120,130 and 140 should be perfect for rep hack. my rep hack is done searching for race that reward you 100rep. Search type : float 32 search value : 100 change all to 4000. i tried on 4000 rep. works. tried 10000rep and crashed. you will over level but your loading market will still update item. I am currently level 66, my loading market have the Koenigsegg CCX. Gold reward hack. WARNING. THIS HACK IS NOT ACCURATE, IT IS BY CHANCE. Search type : float 32 search value : 130 and 170, change to 0. the gold reward will popup. search type : float 32. search value : 200 change it to 999999999 and you will get max gold. If you need proof. i have no problem giving you a screenshot of my inventory. my cars. my homescreen where you can see my gold and level. my market refresh chance left. as for the gold reward hack. its only by chance i got it to work.
  2. there is more hack than these. i done rep hack. i done the 200 gold change to 999999999 gold hack when i am level 33. no need to have new account. but that is by chance. i done blackmarket reset chance hack. i done tournament market reset chance hack.
  3. is this the method of changing phone time? or is this the method using accelerator?
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