Hello viewers, today I'm going to show a tutorial on how How to Create IPA of any app using MobileTerminal and also easy way to install it. Your device must be jailbkroken.
. MobileTerminal
. Clutch
. Filza
. Launch cydia and Install a tweak called "Clutch"
(Fill the required info if you haven't done so)
[Hidden Content]
The .ipa file is normally stored in /var/root/documents/Cracked
To install the cracked .ipa;
. Launch filza or any other file manager that can install .ipa
. Navigate to /var/root/documents/Cracked
. Then Install
. After the installation, Launch mobileTerminal, You don't need to login as root then type "uicache" it's not necessary though, but it prevents the app from crashing for the first time.
Enjoy! Hope this has helped.