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  1. Thanks DanYal 😇 I’ve been using this mod since 1 month ago and its safe for me .
  2. Hi Noctisx, Oh so that what will happen if I didn't remove .deb first. I got it now thanks a lot 😇
  3. Hi, just to save time n I find it troublesome to often install n uninstalling .deb first before uninstalling an app in case I want to reroll my progress. Sorry if my question isn’t clear Enuff and thanks a lot for the answer 😊
  4. Hello everyone, I’ve been wondering lately do I really need to removing .deb first before I uninstalling an app? Or is it fine if I uninstall an app which has been modified by the .deb without removing .deb first? Sorry bothering you guys 😅 n thank a lot in advance ! 😄
  5. Did I get soft banned, only my friends(using this hack like I do) can see my trade depot, while my other friend without hack(my sis) can’t see even I have metal on sale(low lvl item), already lowering all resources b4 going online, I’m at lvl30 simoleon below 10k simcash below 100 and golden and platinum key(These two I never hack) so it’s 0, I never built any building that cost simcash to stay on low profile . I’m not in hack server bcuz if I were in it, all those club will be fill with lvl 100 players but it’s not only average 30-50 lvl and also any item I put on trade depot sold out which is weird, bcuz if I’m on hack server those guy won’t need anything cuz they can hack all those item . I need help what is happening actually? maybe I got sent to suspicious server for any suspicious activity? I don’t mind getting banned cuz that’s the risk using this mod, I just want help my sis grow her city bcuz she love this game but too busy with her baby, I’m so sorry for my english .
  6. Hello everyone, is it fine if i install or uninstall the .deb or mod file while my connection is off ? just afraid something might happen if i do that . I'm a new ios user and thanks in advance ! .😄
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