I have an iphone XS Max, running ios 12.3.1. It is not jailbroken. I have attempted installing the ipa from my windows 10 computer using Cydia to no avail. I have tried using my apple logon as well as a special password created for just this app. Depending on the combination of attempts I make, I get error messages: line 173; Line 79; or line 57. I have attempted the install with and without the unhacked app store app installed on my phone.
I have also attempted installing the hack directly from the iosgods website. After two hours, all there is on the desktop is a darkened icon and the website is reporting the ipa is still installing. I have a very fast home wifi connection and nothing ever takes this long to download to my phone.
I don't know what to do. I don't like giving up. I am not out of my league. Please help.
Thank you.