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  1. Come on guys , sure only a genius can do it but the app is great and worth it
  2. deleted al hacks, deletree piano maestro, and install simply piano i can launch simply piano , créate account, play some and after that install hack no iosgod Windows and nothing happens but locked app with no premium access pd pd cant edit previous post so adorable new one
  3. Seems something is wrong deleted cheat deleted simply piano install fresh from App Store Open app without cheat and I see the same loop tryed several times, reboot device, respring and same result Other apps works perfectly is it possible a conflict with piano maestro? Same developer... just thinking, I’m frustrated
  4. Still not working i deleted cheat from cydia delete simply piano reinstall simply piano 7.0.12 install the hack with ifile When l load the app appears loading window but no iOSGods.com prompt window, when the bar reach 100% appears the intro video of the app, click on continue till green start button appear and then press start and nothing happens but the intro video looping all time thanks for your work edit : i tryed piano maestro hack from iosgods and works perfectly
  5. Direct ipa download is disabled, so i cant install I use older in my phone In my ipad ios 9.3.5 doesnt work , impactor error throws that is 64 bit program and ipad is 32 bit Thanks
  6. - Downloaded simply piano 7.0.12 from app store - Already installed in ipad ifile, cydia, substrate and preference loader - Install hack with ifile with no errors The hack appears installed correctly on cydia When launch simply piano no popup to login on iosgods appear, and premium is lock, also i cant connect to my account Trying in old ipad with ios 9.3.5 Thanks for help
  7. up
  8. cydia impactor stuck o verifying I use the ipa in iphone 6 and worked perfectly but i am not able to install on my ipad 1 (ios 9.3.5) always stuck edit: I got error 42, seems to be the ipad is 32bit and app is 64bit, any solution? Thanks
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