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Posts posted by Tommy1233

  1. Hi All,

    I hope I'm not breaking any rules...by posting here if i apologise!!!  please guide me otherwise couldn't find the right section

    This is a question for people who play Toon blast on IOS...I have asked the question in the Mod section @K_K with the Toon Blast  tool released over the years and it seems to get ignored...brilliant tool btw!!

    For players who use the tool...how do people get 1000's of champions league levels without getting banned?

    IS there method of not getting banned? I just curious i have been banned a few times...

    Thank you!!



  2. Name of the game you want hacked: Infinity Slots
    Version of the game: 5.8.0
    iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/casino-games-infinity-slots/id950710606
    Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Jailbroken

    Requested Features: 

    Unlimited money maybe server sided? [inapp cr@ck works initially then restores game progress]

    Add 10 billion [if the above doesnt work] [or add it to avoid detection maybe??]


    Not sure if any of the above can work?? the whole lot maybe server sided and this request is pointless lol but its strange inapp cr@ck acknowledges the purchase then as you go to use it and it restores game progress so something maybe local?? someone with skills maybe able to do something??

    Thanks for your time if you have a go at it!!!


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