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  1. hello sir @Laxus, its me again. so i got a hold of ipxr on 15.5 under dopamine. im trying to install this deb and im faced with the “unable to load 248” error. as from what i read in the latest igg shouldve fixed this issue, is that right? with that, im in need of help again to make this work. i havent tested other debs yet as this is the only game im playing rn. thank you! please allow me to tag @Rook as well in connection with the referenced thread. thanks!
  2. tested sir. played intermittently, left the game in bg. came back, played on and off and the game ran fine. didnt crash at all.
  3. i just did sir. played for 42 mins and have not experienced any crashes at all. looks to be working smoothly. 🥳
  4. works great sir! just by the initial load time of the mmh, it loads like before. thank you so much for checking back. i havent had any crashes inthe last 30 mins of playing. and re the phone, id need one to jb cos id be using it for other stuff apart from gaming 😬 thank u as well sir @Rook for looking into this. truly appreciate it!
  5. yes sir. i am. so yea, i guess its the phone then. i prolly should start looking for at least ipx which has 3gb ram. and its another challenge looking for one that hasnt been updated to be jb'd. 😅
  6. hello again sir, good day to you! i posted a reply with linkto dropbox, and shows needs to be approved. thanks a bunch!
  7. heres the latest one i got - sir @Laxus for your ref as well. also, im seeing this “jetsam...” log which seem to reference the game as well. i hope this can be of help. thank you!
  8. thank you so much for checking sir. ive tried, and seem to have gotten worse this time. so i tried to wipe the game all in all, then reinstall. re-jb’d, reinstalled the new deb file, and crashes more often now. i cant test issue on another phone as i dont have other phone to test it on. any possibilities this could be an issue with the unit maybe? thanks!
  9. hello sir! is there a way for me to do this on my end just by having the deb file? or should i ask sir @Laxus for it? thanks a bunch!
  10. hello sir @Rook i posted a reply here in response to sir @Laxusrequest, however it shows the post needs to be approved first. might be because of the link? im not sure. can i please request for u to check what could be wrong? thank you so much!
  11. hello sir! thanks for getting back. upon checking on analytics data, there isnt anything being logged with the format u gave. would that mean anything? though i found a few with the format stacks-BattleLegion-timestamp. ive uploaded them and heres the link. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fsalpz5w9q9x6u78exm4r/stacks-BattleLegion-2025-01-22-140609.ips?rlkey=ysgghhd26q8q6lowv71txyhzk&st=w93ih2bi&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/njwotb4cqug3ravx9gkag/stacks-BattleLegion-2025-01-22-191013.ips?rlkey=cmpb9yz9q6qimer3cen12kicz&st=gp69ranx&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/slgd98c2kja40fuhfxukv/stacks-BattleLegion-2025-01-23-001240.ips?rlkey=9z8qqbtt6iya469jolvdrm8vk&st=d3pf9rwd&dl=0 also, fwiw, i also noticed that when i have the cheats installed, the amounts on the in-game shop shows "price not found", while it shows the amount when i dont have the cheat installed. i hope it can help. thanks!
  12. like the game is forced closed. one thing i noticed is upon initial game loading, takes a lot of time for the mmh to appear, and at times crashes at the loading screen too. also, the crash seem to often happen when i try to start a battle or during a battle. im not sure though if this only happens to me or if someone else might be experiencing it; but i tried uninstalling the cheat and the game doesnt crash at all. i hope that info helps. thanks a bunch!
  13. hello again, apologies, but this update seem to be crashing the game a lot. the cheat itself is working fine, but causes a lot of game crashes. i did a fresh install, re-jb’d, and seem to crash still. im on ios 13.4.1, on unc0ver. thank you!
  14. @Laxus hello good day to you! would like to request an update on this if u find time please. thank u!
  15. game just forced an update. kindly requesting for your time please @Laxus thank you so much!
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