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Everything posted by Galactic2019

  1. I was able to get it to work on my account! Make sure to transfer to the regular app by only having shallot in your team. When you get to that part in the tutorial it asks you to pick the characters. In my case it just picked the top 3 characters in my box. Then it will pick that character thinking it is the goku. In my case it was the red vegito. Then in the tutorial you just have to activate the animation of whatever character was selected and it will pretend like it was the goku doing the kamehameha. Once you do that it will be good to go and you never have to do the tutorial again. Hope this helps!
  2. Have you tried putting only shallot on the team? I tested it on some fresh accounts and it seems like you can pass that part by only having shallot in your team. Hopefully it works!
  3. I ended up getting stuck I think on the part right before that where king kai asks you to go to the next story mode. I finished the story mode while in the IPA so now it gets stuck choosing the preview. I am waiting for the game to upload the next story mode to hopefully get past this tutorial. I am not sure if there is any way to skip the tutorial without any of the other mods so I can play pvp. Skipping the tutorial ended up being more trouble. Do you happen to have only Shallot on your team when you transferred to the regular game app? I think that part may give you problems in the tutorial if your team is full because in the normal tutorial you only have shallot on your team at that point.
  4. I used the modded Dragon ball legends IPA to skip the tutorial for a rerolled account. I got everything I wanted and decided to switch to the regular appstore DB Legends app in order to not use the mods anymore on my account. After I transfer my account to the regular appstore app I keep getting sent to the tutorial that I skipped with the mods and get this error: No characters chosen (Error Code : CR015016-4434) I am sent back to the title screen and can't get past this error. Is there any way to prevent the account to keep going into the tutorial when I want to play in the regular app store? Any help with resolving this error will be greatly appreciated! I have tried transferring again my account but the error still shows up. Will the account only work now with the modded IPA?
  5. Any updates on this? Does the account now only work on the modded IPA and not from the app store? I am having this problem as well.
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