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    iPhone 13 Pro Max

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  1. Can someone please explains how this works exactly? i am interested to understand how university research can be speed up. thank you.
  2. Thx for the update @DiDA we love you!!
  3. Hi @DiDA DomiNations has been updated to v.6.610.610, can you please update your hack? Thank again for your support! cheers, The_One
  4. @DiDA any news yet when the hack will be updated?
  5. Hi @DiDA, can you please update the hack for version 6.600.600? Thank you!! You are our hero!
  6. I bet you'll be banned permanently within one week.
  7. Hi Cafrike, what is according to you a good balance in terms of finishing x number of buildings or x number of university researches per day in order to fly below the radar and avoiding getting a temporary or permanent ban? personally I have already experienced both temporary and permanent bans but I have not yet been able to indentify the level of building / research/ xp increase exactly causing the bans. i am looking forward to your personal experience and insights on this topic. thanks in advance for you support. regards the_one
  8. Hi @DiDA, I hope you are doing well? DomiNations has been updated to v.5.8 , can you please update your hack? Thank again for your support! cheers,
  9. Thank you very much DiDA! You are my personal hero and we love you!
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