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ViP Pro
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  1. @Zahir 2nd update dropped. 1.10.9 finally showed up in the AppStore this morning. If you could update when you get the chance please and thanks.
  2. Still hoping...
  3. Well most if not all of the money items will be tracked server side. So no hacks on that front. stuff like god mode and skill multipliers are the best you can honestly hope for.
  4. Sorry @Zahir the option to push the “request update” is still greyed out from last time I think but there has been an update.
  5. @Zahir they finally stopped us from using the old update and forced the use of the new update. Thanks man.
  6. @Zahir another update is out. Thanks much!
  7. Might have been an app update. Still reads as 1.5.3 but the menu isnt loading anymore and they pushed some Arwen data this morning.
  8. @Zahir Not sure it pinged you properly. Not trying to bother but just make you aware. Thanks mate!
  9. Necro from the dead... but this would be a nice one.
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