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  1. It seems that it was fixed for a bit -- I downloaded an app maybe a week ago -- but now it's back to being broken again.
  2. Thanks -- it seems like something's not quite working, but that's okay. I can just start over with a fresh copy of the app and, well, not screw it up this time.
  3. @Laxus thanks for the reply. When you say "nearby," how do you mean? Are you referring to the "nearby search" feature? How does that work?
  4. I have made the unfortunate error of adding too big of a value in a game with iGameGod. It is big enough that the game does not show me the whole value and instead abbreviates it as “10.00Q” (for 10 quintillion. Is there a way I can still locate the value if I can’t actually see by how much it is changing during play? Here is an image of the value I want to change, for reference.
  5. It turns out this was an issue related to installing the app as a duplicate through Si - Not Allowed -. I'm not sure whether the freezing was something wrong with the duplication itself or if the app developer had an anti-cheat measure that caused freezing for both the base game and iGameGod. When I downloaded it using the App Store's bundle ID, it was fine.
  6. No, the whole thing freezes up. In the video I shared, I sped through the process of searching for the first value, but if I went any slower, it would freeze on the iGameGod screen too.
  7. Here's a video (hosted on WeTransfer). I seem to get a total of 30 seconds from app launch before it freezes. This time, I cleared the ad and then was unable to tap on anything else.
  8. @Rook Yup, I'm using 0.3.4. File name is "com.gamegod.igg_0.3.4_iphoneos-arm.deb"
  9. @Rook I'll take a look. I *just* downloaded the DEB file a few hours ago, but I'll double-check.
  10. I just downloaded an IPA from the decrypted app store and injected iGameGod with Sideloadly. When I try to use the cheat engine, the app seems to freeze either while or after loading an ad. I can't interact with anything on the screen and have to force-close the app. Is there any way to address this issue? Do I need to throw money at someone to make the ads go away and improve performance?
  11. Name of the game you want hacked: My Little Universe Version of the game: 1.24.5 iTunes Link for the app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-little-universe/id1586304393 Jailbroken or Non-Jailbroken: Non-jailbroken Requested Features: iGameGod enabled to tweak values, free IAP if possible, instant kill in combat would be a nice bonus A hack of a previous version exists, but the current version has a lot more content.
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