Sorry to revive this topic, but I've been trying to work with this game for some time.
This game was built with cocos2d-x, so the main logic resides in LUA scripts.
The scripts have been compiled and encrypted, most likely with xxtea which is the default algorithm provided with cocos2d-x.
If you look at the luac files, they all begin with the string LAKYSIGN, which is the signature used by xxtea during encryption.
I've been trying to find the key to decrypt the files without success.
I've followed many tutorials but somehow the common methods used for findind the key in cocos2d games do not work with this game.
For instance, these are some of the things I've already tried:
Using frida to intercept methods like setXXTEAKeyAndSign and luaL_loadbuffer, they are never called.
Searching the main executable for the key ("LAKYSIGN") with a disassembler, it's not there or is probably hidden somehow!
If anyone wants to give it a try, you can get a decrypted IPA from the Decrypted App Store: Throne
If you don't have access to the Decrypted App Store, I've also uploaded the main game executable and one of the luac files here: