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Status Updates posted by ultranews

  1. sir Zahirsher please update hack for kritika 2.41,thank you

  2. Sir Zahirsher pls update hack for kritika 2.35 :clap:

    1. fahadxmb


      Answer will be no i guess.

  3. Plz need for kritika 2.27.3

    1. DanYal


      Need What ?

    2. Rook
    3. FafoWithMatar
    4. pknugrec


      kritika 2.27.3, Unlimited HP / MP, No cooldown EX skill, Insta Kill etc. Here is a link to the cheat that is not being updated as a reference - I will donate to anyone who creates this as it saves me a lot of time and money in-game lol... https://iosgods.com/topic/29227-up3-kritika-the-white-knights-version-2264-7-cheats/

    5. edsonlima123
  4. Plz need for kritika 2.27.3

    1. pknugrec


      kritika 2.27.3, Unlimited HP / MP, No cooldown EX skill, Insta Kill etc. Here is a link to the cheat that is not being updated as a reference - I will donate to anyone who creates this as it saves me a lot of time and money in-game lol... https://iosgods.com/topic/29227-up3-kritika-the-white-knights-version-2264-7-cheats/

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