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ViP Jailed
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    iPhone 11
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  • Jailbroken
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  1. @0xSUBZ3R0 @Rook Hello, there's an issue with the hack : the infinite cash / coin hack isn't working and make the game crash. I did a quest that give me 1 exp and 1 cash, I wanted to receive the rewards with the hack ON, then my game crashed. + I saw that there's other cheats, like experience and other stuff, but in the IGMM, there's only energy and cash / coin hack. Thanks for your work
  2. @Archangel04 Hello, there's a 5.3.8 update, it seems that the IGMM isn't showing up anymore i'll try to reinstall the mod, but I don't think that will work
  3. I didn't try to install Jailbreak detection's bypass tweaks I'll try that
  4. Well, I never saw that tweak detection before. I hope that Archangel will manage to deal with it. Good luck !
  5. @Laxus doesn't seem to work for me, I'm on ios 13.5. Got an other hack for an other game, ans it's working fine, so I don't know I have the mod menu, but it's not doing anything edit: don't mind me, I'm stupid
  6. I don't have anything to toggle on/off in the settings. I updated my Iphone from 12.0.1 to 13.5 and before that! i could see the iosgods Iapp cracker in the setting, but not anymore @Laxus
  7. And, don't forget me, please..
  8. Done Thanks for your help
  9. Hello ! I cancelled my ViP subscription some weeks ago, but I forgot to cancel it on Gumroad (Was using paypal) So, I've been debited from my paypal by Gumroad, so I was like "It's ok, I'll deal with them" But when I came back here, I saw that I still got my ViP, and now, I don't know what to do. I really need my money back because I'm not using my phone often, so my ViP isn't really usefull. Is there anything to do to get a refund ? I can give my paypal receipt order and eveything you need. Thanks for the help.
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