Hello, this problem plagued me for 9-10 months of my last year sub, halfway of my ViP sub and now in my third app+ year again. I thought it was just a bug with my version and will at some point get fixed but I see other people using the app without problems so idk anymore, its frustrating
Everytime I install something from app+ it tells me Unable to install, please try again later. I tried again about half a year later and it still didnt work, then again another 4 months later, all without success. I thought it was my phone or ios version but the error followed me through 3 ios versions and 2 new phones, now its back.
The error started following me on my Iphone 6s and Ios 12.3 or less, I dont remember the exact version its been 2 years since then.
I have an Iphone 8+ and Ios 15.0 now, please tell me im just doodoo asf and this is the most basic and easiest to fix error I dont want to suffer anymore.
Thank you.