My devce: Iphone 13 pro max, 16.0.2, rootless jailbreak by dopamine 2.0.
I cannot login to IOSGODS site on the safari specifically. The other app like chrome on my phone work. It's always shown the "Oops Something went wrong, ... contact the admin ... (email)". "" this is the pics of my screen.
What I have done:
- Reboot, respring the phone.
- Clear the cach data of the safari
- Spend a whole day looking for answer on FAQ and others stuff both in the forum and godgle.
So, please, help me. I just got back to the jailbreaking after the drop of dopamine.
edit: This is not common for me, because 3-6 years ago, I have this problem and I were able to fix it by using celluer data, not wifi but now it is not working anymore.
Last edit: I got the problem solved by accepting the cookie, jess