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  2. Please update whenever you get the chance! Thank you! and if by any chance you could add another advantage hack in this game while updating please do. But only if you can, otherwise this hack is great already. Mahalo,
  3. Thank you! I am always excited when its updated and very appreciated. Thank you for updating!
  4. Friend points is something you get when you play with other people. You usually receive them 20 per person battled. you can find them in the theatre: which pays for the random gatcha. its like 50 per roll and gives scene cards. In the main screen on the boat of the game. There is a menu on the bottom. click on the fourth option, the snail. That is where you can find a look at friend points at the bottom. Hope that helped, I look forward to the non-jail broken update. thank you.
  5. @DanYal Thank you very much for having this working with great features. The game just got updated. They will activate mandatory updating on the 24th so I wanted to get this on your radar early as possible before we get blocked out again. Please update, Also, If its possible just to throw this out there if possible a damage hack would be awesome. If cannot, that’s ok Please update and thank you for the great hack.
  6. My attacks and skills are all working great with no cool down. Also no D9 errors for me.
  7. @Jackrabbit I know a way. Do what I did. Download the official game. Go through the tutorial. Then link the game using line, Facebook, or others. so you can delete it and retrieve it on the hacked app. It’s worked for me. Then you can skip the tutorial because you already did it
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