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    iPhone 6s Plus
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  1. Im having trouble with crashes, it happens unexpectedly at weird times after my phone died while playing it. I’ve looked up on how to fix it, but it hasn’t worked. Is there a way that I can fix this?
  2. Apparently there was a 2 month subscription for VIP since it was stated on the VIP guidelines and whatnot. Although I can’t seem to find it, Is there a link to redirect me to it?
  3. Dan, since iOS doesn’t have this available, they can’t bypass the ban. on Android, you can download the app first, complete the tutorial and then download the cheat. On iOS, it isn’t like that because Clash of Knights isn’t available. In the next patch, you might have to create an anti ban patch for iOS... Unless we just wait until the release of iOS. Also, is there a way you can disable this cheat so it isn’t noticeable in online play? (Guilds).
  4. how much rep or whatnot do you need to speak in the chatbox?
  5. I’m not on iOS 11.4.1 nor iOS 12.2., although keeps crashing. Should I update my phone and see if it will work on iOS 12.2?
  6. Is there any type of way to disable this mode?
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