Also! For users who’s Cydia impactor reads an error, first before you try and make a forum about it not working or installing your IPA’s. If your email address has periods or anything extra then numbers or letters try going to and login to your Apple ID account.
Then, scroll down alittle and find security.
-In the security tab go to specific app password and click generate password!
-once generated make the label Id anything you’d like it doesn’t really matter on that.
-Then click enter and it’ll generate a random password for you.
-copy that password.
-paste it in the password part of Cydia impactor with your apple email that you use for it and try again and see if you still get an error.
Before you try this password tho make sure to revoke the last app you tried downloading and try it with the new password instead.
For some reason this works for me and installs about 90% of the time.
for some reason having periods or irregular stuff in your email wont load in Cydia impactor as an Apple ID but doing. It as described above makes it work for me.
i hope I explained it well enough to help you’ll out if you got this problem to!! Thanks guys!